Bible Books Trivia
Which State Are You In?
U.S. History
Animal Trivia
White Christmas' the Movie

This book tells of the creation of the universe and it tells of the great flood. What book is this?





Answer: Genesis

This is the first book of the Bible that talks about our origins, the flood, Joseph and his dreams, etc.


Which state is known for cowboys and Sweetwater, Natrona, and Laramie?


 South Dakota



Answer: Wyoming

The capital Cheyenne is in Laramie County. The city of Laramie is actually in Albany County. Wyoming is home of the first national park, the first national forest, and the first national monument.


In which city was the Declaration of Independence signed?



 New York


Answer: Philadelphia

Thomas Jefferson was the main author of the Declaration of Independence. It was originally John Adams' idea.


What "teddy bear" lives in eucalyptus trees and has strong, sharp claws and teeth that it will gladly use if scared and cornered?



 drop bear


Answer: koala

The Australian koala looks like an adorable stuffed animal, and seems slow-moving and easy-going. It's happy if people just leave it alone. But if it feels too threatened, it will gladly fight back, and has the weapons to do so.


 What year was this movie released in the US?





Answer: 1954

It was the leading box-office draw of that year.


The famous 'Prayer of Jabez' can be found in what book?

 2 Chronicles


 1 Chronicles


Answer: 1 Chronicles

1 Chron. 4:9-10


Many people want to visit this state: Honolulu, Hawaii, and Maui are the counties. Do you know which state?





Answer: Hawaii

There are only four counties in the state of Hawaii. The state of Hawaii extends over 1000 miles northwest of the main islands of Hawaii, Oahu, Kauai, and Maui. Most of that area is unpopulated. Midway and Johnston Islands lie within that area but are not part of Hawaii.


Who was the sixteenth president of the USA?

 Millard Fillmore

 James Garfield

 Abraham Lincoln

 George Washington

Answer: Abraham Lincoln

Abe Lincoln was president during the Civil War. He was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.


Ugly but cute in cartoon drawings, what hungry, hungry semiaquatic African mammal will attack and kill humans for no reason?





Answer: hippopotamus

Hippos are treated as big bumbling creatures that only a mother could love in children's literature, but they're deadly, with those wide, powerful jaws, and they seem not to care what they kill.


Who played one of the lead parts in the movie and also sold 30 million copies of his recording of the title song?

Answer:_______(Two words or last name only, Well-known singer and actor)

Answer: Bing Crosby

The most familiar version of 'White Christmas' is not the one Crosby recorded in 1942. Bing was called back to the studio in 1947 to re-record 'White Christmas' as a result of damage to the 1942 master due to its frequent use.


This book speaks of God's Ten Commandments, Moses, and the Israelites' forty-year journey to the Promised Land.





Answer: Exodus

Forty years is a long time and they ate a kind of bread called manna.


This my home state and includes Jackson, St. Charles, and St. Louis county. Name it.





Answer: Missouri

The city of St. Louis is not in any county, but the county of St. Louis which nearly surrounds the city is one of the largest counties in Missouri. Missouri borders eight different states. They are Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kentucky and Kansas. Only one other state, Tennessee, can match that claim and none can surpass it.


During what war was the 'Star Spangled Banner' written?


 Civil War

 War of 1812

 Revolutionary War

Answer: War of 1812

Francis Scott Key wrote the 'Star Spangled Banner'. He was watching a battle where despite the British attack, the American flag stayed flying.


It would rather stay hard at work in the water, but what busy, furry animal can slice through your arm with its cute buck teeth?


 snapping turtle



Answer: beaver

Beavers seem harmless, but that's because they're generally left alone. A man in Belarus died when he tried to photograph a beaver and its bite severed an artery in his leg. Other attacks with injuries have been reported.


 In which movie did the song 'White Christmas' first appear?

 It's a Wonderful Life

 Singin' in the Rain

 Holiday Inn

 A Christmas Carol

Answer: Holiday Inn


This book is all about a really Godly man who has been greatly blessed until his livestock die, his children die, his property is destroyed, his wife suggests that he "curse God and die", and his friends are clueless as to what caused this to happen. What book is this?

 Song of Solomon




Answer: Job

Poor, poor Job. Whenever I'm running low on faith, I always think of Job and how he dealt with his situation.


What is the name of the state that contains the counties of Bernalillo, Dona Ana, and Santa Fe?




 New Mexico

Answer: New Mexico

Santa Fe is the capital, but Albuquerque is the largest city. It is located in Bernalillo County. Santa Fe is the oldest capital in the United States. It is over 400 years old. It was originally the capital of the kingdom of New Mexico.


Who wrote the Star-Spangled Banner?

 Francis Scott Key

 Perry Mason

 John Thompson

 Ben Matlock

Answer: Francis Scott Key

Francis Scott Key was originally a blacksmith from the small Maryland town of Weedsboro. He was born in 1780, and died in 1832.


What adorable, slow-moving, sad-eyed creature has venomous elbows?

 slow loris




Answer: slow loris

The slow loris of southeast Asia has the sweetest, saddest face, but when it raises its arms, it's not saying "hug me" or "tickle me." It's showing off the patches on its elbows that exude venom. When it feels threatened, it licks or grooms these areas to prepare its teeth for a nasty bite.

There's some disagreement among biologists about how the substance actually acts: a venom, a poison, something you must be allergic to?


The actress who played the part of Betty has a famous nephew. What is his name?

Answer:_____  (Two Words or last name only)

Answer: George Clooney

Rosemary Clooney appeared on an episode on 'ER' when her nephew was still part of the cast. He also lived with her when he first moved to L.A.


This book includes this excerpt: 'The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want.' What book is this?

 1 Kings




Answer: Psalms

I LOVE this verse! It's one of my favorites. Psalm 23.


An icy cold midwestern state with these counties: Milwaukee, Dane, Brown. Can you name it?





Answer: Wisconsin

Madison, the state capital, is located in Dane County. Milwaukee is the largest city. Wisconsin is largest state in the US for the production of cheese. Fans of the Green Bay Packers wear big foam hats that look like a wedge of cheese and are called "cheeseheads".


What European nation originally colonized Florida?





Answer: Spain

Juan Ponce de Leon discovered and colonized Florida while searching for "la fuente de jovenes", or "fountain of youth". However, he was not the fantastic dreamer that this may suggest. He colonized brutally, took slaves, and fought the local Native American population. He died of wounds received in a battle with them.


What tiny underwater creature looks like it's wearing four-legged, four-armed pajamas, but kills a few people a year with its bite?

 blue ringed octopus




Answer: blue ringed octopus

The blue ringed octopus, found in the ocean around Australia, will sit on the palm of your hand and show off its pajama-like decorated skin. Beach goers attracted by the cuteness may not even realize they've been bitten, till paralysis starts to set in. If a person survives 24 hours, they're likely to recover, but probably won't ever make that mistake again.


In the movie, what is the name of Bob and Phil's musical team?

 Army Pals

 The Brothers

 Bob and Phil Show

 Wallace and Davis

Answer: Wallace and Davis

They used their last names as the title of their act.


This book contains the verse here: 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.'





Answer: Philippians

Philippians 4:13


This state has had problems with terrible hurricanes in the last few years: East Baton Rouge, Jefferson, Orleans. What is it?

 New York




Answer: Louisiana

In Louisiana the divisions are not called counties but parishes. Many of them have French names. Louisiana has been under ten different national flags. It was even an independent republic for six weeks before joining the Confederacy during the Civil War.


Who is on the two dollar bill?

 Thomas Jefferson

 James Monroe

 George Washington

 Martin Van Buren

Answer: Thomas Jefferson

Two dollar bills are the scarcest in cirCulation in the U.S. (apart from 10,000 dollar bills and upwards). Half dollars are almost as rare, but make up 0.4% of total currency. 2 dollar bills make up 0.2% of the total currency.


 It lives on tiny ants and termites, but what silly-looking creature can actually slash you open?

 giant anteater

 American bullfrog

 Siberian tiger

 Yellow-billed cuckoo

Answer: giant anteater

The giant anteater, with its long, funny nose, looks made for children's cartoons, not fighting. In general, it's peaceful, but if it feels cornered, never mind the tiny mouth. Look out for those huge hooked claws on the front feet, up to 4" long. Anteaters can fight off jaguars and pumas, and if they feel it necessary, will fight off you.


Where do Bob and Phil go to see Betty and Judy perform their act for the first time?


 New York



Answer: Miami


Which one of these books tells of the first Christian martyr, Stephen?





Answer: Acts

There is a lot about Saul (a.k.a Paul) here, too.


A 20th century president was born here: Benton, Pulaski, Washington. Which state?





Answer: Arkansas

Benton County is the home of the town of Bentonville which is the headquarters of Wal-Mart. Hot Springs is the name of a county, city, and national park in Arkansas. President Bill Clinton was born in the town of Hope. Pulaski County is the location of the state capital, Little Rock. Washington County is the home of the University of Arkansas.


 Donald Trump was the ____ president to be impeached.





Answer: 3rd

Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton and Donald Trump were the first three to actually be impeached. It is a common misconception that impeachment means to be thrown out of office. It actually means to have charges brought against you.
Richard Nixon was never actually impeached, he resigned before he was charged.


This human-size animal might seem fun to swim with, until it drowns you. What Antarctic animal is it?

 leopard seal

 polar bear


 bottlenose dolphin

Answer: leopard seal

Two scientists have been attacked by leopard seals since 1985, and there aren't many people in or near the Antarctic waters to be attacked. Gareth Wood was on shore when a seal tried to drag him into the water. Kirsty Brown was snorkeling in the water, when a seal drowned her. Leopard seals normally feed on penguins, but there's some evidence they may play with them like cats play with mice, and treat some humans the same way if humans become too numerous in their area.


How are Betty and Judy related in the movie?

 No relation



 Mother and Daughter

Answer: Sisters

Betty is Judy's older sister.


 This book is the last book of the New Testament. What is its name?





Answer: Revelation

Revelation speaks of the Second Coming of Christ.


This state was once called Indian Territory: Cleveland, Oklahoma, Tulsa. Which one?





Answer: Oklahoma

Cimarron may be the most famous county name in Oklahoma but it has a small population. Many of the counties in Oklahoma are named for the tribe of Native Americans who live there. Just to name a few: Cherokee, Choctaw, Comanche, Delaware, Kiowa, Pawnee, and Seminole.


Which political figure of the US was said to chop down a cherry tree?

 Abe Lincoln

 George Washington

 Barbara Bush

 Trent Dilfer

Answer: George Washington

George Washington chopped down his father's favorite cherry tree.


What little fish has an adorable humanlike face, but will likely poison you if you try to eat it?





Answer: pufferfish

There are many species of pufferfish and most are poisonous. They have a cute little happy smile, until they puff up into a spiny ball, and even then, some manage to still look cute. They vary in color and shape, but most aren't very big and live in the tropics. Some are served as a delicacy by very well-trained chefs.


Who owns the inn that they stay at in Vermont?

 General Anderson



 General Waverly

Answer: General Waverly

General Waverly was Bob and Phil's general while they served in World War II. They salute him when they first see him at the inn.


This Old Testament book contains short love songs by a very wise king. What is the name of this book?




 Song of Solomon

Answer: Song of Solomon

It's a great book written by a very bright man. It is also called 'The Song of Songs' and 'Canticles'.


Ben Franklin is associated with this state although he wasn't born here: Allegheny, Philadelphia, Montgomery. Can you name it?


 West Virginia

 New Jersey


Answer: Pennsylvania

Three towns or cities in Pennsylvania can claim to have once been the national capital: Philadelphia, York, and Lancaster (for one day).


What U.S. president was accused of trying to gather confidential material on the other party's election campaign plans and subsequently resigned?

 Calvin Coolidge

 George Washington

 Richard Nixon

 Fidel Castro

Answer: Richard Nixon

This scandal was dubbed the Watergate Scandal by reporters. This scandal ended in Nixon's resignation.


This fun-size animal wouldn't be nearly so dangerous, if children weren't encouraged to treat it like a harmless pet when they rode and groomed it. It's an intelligent animal in need of continuous training. What is it?


 Newfoundland dog


 Clydesdale horse

Answer: pony

Everybody wants one, growing up. At least I sure did. One major problem is that a cute little pony is difficult for experienced adult riders to train, so it may be taught by a youthful rider on its back. Ponies' hooves will kick, their teeth will bite, and they will buck just like adult horses if they're startled or poorly trained. An inexperienced rider on an inexperienced pony is a recipe for disaster.


Who played the part of Phil?

 Danny Kaye

 Fred Astaire

 Jimmy Stewart

 Michael Curtiz

Answer: Danny Kaye

He was the third person picked for the part. It was originally intended for Fred Astaire but he backed out after reading the script.


What book of the Bible states that 'for everything, there is a purpose under Heaven'?

 2 Kings




Answer: Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiates, chapter 3. Great verses and they are so appropriate for the time of the terrorist attacks.


 A really big cowboy state with Bexar, Dallas, and Harris as counties. Which state?





Answer: Texas

Originally Bexar County comprised most of the western part of the Republic of Texas and included parts of what is now the states of New Mexico and Colorado.


Which of these presidents shares a name with an automobile manufacturer?

 Calvin Coolidge

 John Quincy Adams

 Kim Smith

 Gerald Ford

Answer: Gerald Ford

Gerald Ford is the only president that was not elected into office. He was often noted for being clumsy.


 This animal, with a broad bill, combines both cute and ugly, and it's venomous too. The babies, though, once they hatch and grow a full coat of fur, are pure cute. What is it?





Answer: platypus

The platypus, from the east coast of Australia, produces naked little pink babies that soon grow into adorable duck-billed pups. When they grow up, they develop a spur on the hind foot, and in the male, it contains venom, which can cause intense pain if inserted into humans from kicking or scratching.


Who wrote the song 'White Christmas'?

Answer:_____  (Two words, or last name only. Academy Award winning composer)

Answer: Irving Berlin
