
Everyone has days when they feel more happy or more sad. You may feel great when your team wins the championship, when you get a good grade on a test, or when you are having fun at a party. You may feel really down when you have an argument with your best friend, when your parents won’t let you go to a concert, or when you don’t get a part in the school play. Normal sadness passes in a reasonable amount of time, and soon you are feeling better again. Depression lasts longer and feels deeper than normal sadness. It may cause you to feel very bad about yourself or hopeless about your future. It may affect your thoughts, your behavior, your appetite, or your ability to



____  are one of, if not the most, popular pet in the world.



All fighting is unhealthy. True or False? 


Healthy vs Unhealthy conflict (aka fighting):

How do the people involved feel after everything is said and done and a solution is identified? If they feel seen, heard, understood, and respected, the argument was a constructive conflict. If they leave with a solution but feel put down, belittled, or misunderstood, it was a destructive conflict that could lead to prolonged arguing and resentment, creating a gap in relationships and significant problems.


Multiple Choice:

There are how many shopping malls in Michigan:

A) 5

B) 544

C) 1,500

B) 544


True or False: The word "crazy" comes from the word "craze" which comes from the word "crasen" which meant to crush or become cracked, or to be diseased or deformed. 

TRUE: in the 1570s "crazy" meant "diseased or sickly" 


Exposure to light and dark has an effect on our bodies. Melatonin, a chemical related to sleep, is produced more when it is dark. Serotonin, a chemical related to feeling good, is produced more when it is light. During the winter months when there is less sunlight, some people’s bodies produce such a great amount of melatonin and such a small amount of serotonin that they can start to feel depressed. Symptoms of seasonal disorders can include depression, irritability, lack of energy, craving for sweets, overeating, weight gain, difficulty concentrating, and decrease of interest in social activities. These symptoms may begin as early as autumn, reach their peak in January and February, and decrease again in spring. One more symptom of "winter blues"/seasonal disorders is an increase need for...

increased need for sleep.


True our False: Cats can see better than humans at night. 


Cats have powerful night vision, allowing them to see at light levels six times lower than what a human needs in order to see.


Everyone fights. True or False? 



One of the most popular emoji face is....

insert____ face with tears of joy aka laughing emoji? 


True or False: People started to use the word "crazy" to mean something was cool when cats learned how to use the toilet in the 1980s. 

False:  It started to be used in the 1920s when jazz musicians began using the word to mean something was “cool” or “exciting.” Today, the word has a variety of different meanings depending on how it’s used. It can be used to describe an event or object that is particularly outside of the norm. It can also be used to shame someone or their behavior. 


If you experience symptoms of SAD (seasonal affective disorder) or winter blues, you can help yourself by 

• Try to keep a stable sleep routine and remain awake during as many daylight hours as possible. • Make it easier for yourself to awaken by putting your bedroom lights on a timer that turns on thirty minutes before you get up.


Cats’ purring may be a way that they ____ behavior, since they make this noise when they’re ill or distressed, as well as when they’re happy



Why do people fight? 

People hurt each other for a lot of different reasons. Sometimes they . . . • Get mad about really small stuff, like someone borrowing something and not returning it. • Think someone else looked at them funny. • Want to show off, get attention, or feel powerful. • Get bullied or hurt by someone else, like a parent or sibling at home, and take out their feelings on someone at school. • Are afraid of being bullied, so they bully others instead. • Get jealous about a guy or girl. • Are faking a fight, and it turns into a real fight when someone gets mad. • Don’t like someone because of their race. • Don’t like someone who’s gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.


The song titles: Pacify Her, Dollhouse, Tag, You're it, Play date, Show & Tell, and Cake are all from this artist/singer: 

hint: their initials are M.M.

Melanie Martinez


Crazy can mean having a diseased or abnormal mind, as well as not sensible or logical (that's a crazy idea) or very excited or pleased (i'm crazy about my new car!). Other words you can use instead of crazy:

  • Ridiculous
  • Strange
  • Silly
  • Funny
  • Outlandish
  • Out there
  • Wild 
  • Indescribable
  • Incredible
  • Unbelievable
  • Just wow
  • Ridonkulous
  • A whole thing
  • Bananas 
  • Intense 
  • Bizarre 
  • All over the place

As long as you are alive, you will experience change. It is a normal part of being human. The world is designed to change; seasons change, weather changes, all living things grow and develop and change over the course of their lives. While adjusting to change is possible, it involves thinking and acting in new ways, which requires time and energy. When you are aware that you need this extra time and energy, you can understand that adjusting to change doesn’t happen immediately. Although this may make you uncomfortable for a while, this feeling is normal and will pass. In the meantime, you can focus on helping yourself through the transition. Practicing this healthy coping action can help you through a time of change. Some preserve and create energy; some release depressive feelings, which require energy to hold inside.

 Getting enough sleep (creates energy)


True or False: 

  • Cats can be toilet-trained.



How can I avoid abusive fighting?

Most teens don’t get into fights. If you want to avoid being in a fight or want to stop getting into fights, you can do some of the things other teens do. Here are some examples: • Hang out with friends you know you can trust. • Spend time with people who don’t get into fights. • Don’t pick on anyone. • Talk it out or get friends or an adult to help you resolve your conflicts. • Get support from adults you trust: parents, teachers or older people in your family. • Talk to a counselor or peer mediator. • Tell an adult if you know someone is carrying a weapon, especially a gun or knife. • Avoid alcohol and drug use. A lot of fights happen when someone has been drinking or using drugs.


This character (name the character) is from a show on Netflix who attends Nevermore academy. 



True or False: Counseling is only for people who are "crazy." 

Counseling is for everyone!! People can be "crazy" good at something like being a successful NFL player, or being a successful lawyer, being "crazy" funny and still go to counseling. People can also be not crazy funny, not crazy successful, and not act like a "crazy person and still go to counseling/therapy.  All this to say...however you wanna use the word "crazy" counseling can be for you, as it's for everyone and anyone who wants a space to vent, learn, grow, etc. 


How much sleep someone needs depends on their age. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has made the following recommendations of hours of sleep for the age group of 13-18 years old: 

8 to 10 hours per 24 hours 


Oversleeping impacts your overall health and can have negative effects, just as a lack of sleep does. Early research suggests that longer sleep:

  • Worsens inflammation in the body
  • Decreases your immune function
  • Can lead to chronic diseases

A group of kittens is called a



What is a healthy way to resolve conflict? 

  • Think it over. 
  • Figure out what you want to say and how to say it. Don’t blame others. Instead, tell them what’s not working for you and take responsibility for your part in the conflict.
  • Really listen. Listen carefully to what is being said, and if you don’t understand what is being said, ask clarifying questions. You don’t have to agree with what the other person is saying, but you can demonstrate an empathetic and sincere effort to understand where they’re coming from. 
  • Work toward understanding. While it may be tempting to fight for your point of view or perspective, healthy and effective conflict resolution is not about winning or losing. Instead, focus on pathways towards mutual understanding, or at the very least, mutual respect. It’s also okay to end a conversation if it’s not going anywhere, or if it’s becoming emotionally damaging or harmful. It’s acceptable to say, “I’m not willing to participate in this discussion any longer. Let’s agree to disagree for the time being.” You can always revisit the conversation if all parties agree another conversation is productive and helpful.

Remember, conflict is not a bad thing. We do not have to be afraid of confrontation. Conflict management requires patience, both for ourselves and for other people, but mindful practice of this skill is an invaluable tool.


This show on Netflix is based on a Graphic Novel



Here are some wild and crazy facts and one of them is a lie....which one is untrue?

a) Identical twins don’t have the same fingerprints. 

b) A chicken once lived for 18 months without a head. 

c)  Flamingos are born pink

C) Flamingos aren't born pink, they actually come into the world with grey/white feathers and only develop a pinkish hue after starting a diet of brine shirmp and blue-green algae. 
