What is Porsche's fastest car?
Porsche 918 Spyder
Who was the founder of Lamborghini?
Ferruccio Lamborghini
What is the fastest Ferrari?
Ferrari FXX K
The home of the Whopper
Burger King
Think outside the bun
Burger King
Which sports car is sold the most?
Ferrari 458 Italia
Who is the founder of Ferrari?
Enzo Ferrari
In what country what Buggati made?
This chain has a panda as their mascot
Panda Express
America runs on _________
Dunkin Donuts
Which two Lamborghini cars won awards?
Gallardo and Murcielago
Who is the founder of Pagani?
Horacio Pagani
What city has the most supercars in the world?
You can flip this upside down; a favorite flavor is Oreo. If it falls out, it is free!
Dairy Queen Blizzard
Better ingredients, Better pizza.
Papa John's
This brands first car was a tractor
Who is the founder of Buggati?
Ettore Buggati
Deep dish pizza is famous in what city?
Market leader in the hot regular/decaf flavored coffee, iced coffee, donuts, bagels, and muffins
Dunkin Donuts
Happy taste good
Dairy Queen
What Lamborghini has 6 exhaust holes in the rear?
Sesto Elemento
Who is the founder of Maserati?
Alfred Maserati
The first modern drive-thru restaurant, which popularized the concept of ordering food from a car, was opening in 1948 by this fast-food chain
This chain uses peanut oil to fry their food
Come hungry, leave happy