10-letter words
Companies that don't exist anymore
Animals and logos
Bad Habits
Food From South America

We usually see these on a television as an advertisement to a product or place, usually seen in between parts of shows. It can also mean making or intended to make a profit. 



It's hard to remember when buying music meant driving to the store and browsing bins and rows of cds. This company was found all over the United states, even Europe and Tokyo. Due to the rising competition of Walmart, Target and eventually Apple, this company fell way into debt. They couldn't adjust to the new digital marketplace, as they were completed bankrupted by 2006. 

Tower Records 


Leo the Lion has been most regular star of this company since it was founded in 1924. His roar is probably the sound most commonly associated with the studio and the golden age of Hollywood. 



In today's word, this is considered a specific type of OCD, classified in the same group as lip biting or nose picking. It's a very common action an indvidual does when they feel nervous. It almost always begins in childhood. It sometimes helps people regulate their emotions, but doing it too much can be the problem. 

Biting your nails 


One of the culinary destinations in the world, this dish originated in Peru featuring only five ingredients, highlighted by raw fish or seafood (Salt, red onions, chili pepper, and a citrus juice). Traditionally it's served with sweet potatoes and corn. Other countries have created variations of the original. 



This is considered all of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively. You can say it averages about 25 years, from the birth of a parent to the birth of the child. 



Founded in 1826, it was considered the oldest department store in the country. It shut down largely to COVID-19, but the store suffered general problems from most retail stores with a lack of customers and declining revenue, since online shopping became more popular. By 2019, it started to liquidate stores and close down. 

Lord and Taylor 


This specific bird is the logo for a shower and body care cosmetics brand, which was established in the United States in 1955. The first logo featured a calm blue background with white cursive lettering. Today, the logo continues to feature the blue/white/gold, representing the brand's message to its customers, treating with love and care. 

Dove: Soap and Shampoo 

We often do not give ourselves enough time to do what we have planned, especially on a daily basis. People usually do this because they are too focused on one thing or kind of lazy. Either way, it helps making a schedule to avoid doing this. 



Found all over South America, they are your typical treat, usually enjoyed as a side or on their own. The subtle sweetness suits any meal, while the soft texture can melt in your mouth. Each country prepare them in different ways but no matter where you have them, i guess you can say you may go bananas for them. 

Fried Plantains 


This full contact combat sport takes place in a ring where you can use both your hands and feet. It is practiced for self-defense, fitness and competition. 



Founded in 1859, this company disappeared in 2015 after more than 100 years of business as it could not compete with cheaper grocers like Walmart or the upcoming trendy stores such as Whole foods and Trader Joes. By 2015, it sold all of its locations as individuals preferred other grocery stores.

A+P Grocery Store 


The Horse is the logo for this specialty car company, that pays homage to the Germany city it originated from. They chose the horse because it represented power, which gave us the term "horsepower". It was introduced to the US in 1952 and instantly became a luxury logo. 



Doing this can affect someone's health, business, or emotional state. Throughout the day, we interact with people and have conversations and we tend to forget who we are talking too and what we talk about. It unfortunately happens on a daily basis and we've all been victims of it. It can sometimes get us paranoid if we see people do this. A form of bullying 



This aromatic mixture, originating from Argentina has been the perfect compliment too steaks. This sauce, which sometimes can be used as a marinade does wonders for other proteins as well, typically paired with a nice glass of wine. It can be often mistaken as a pesto sauce, but they are two completely different sauces. 



This is a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause explanation is in question. It can also mean a remarkable person, thing or event. 



This car brand was based on the military's Humvee, which was created by a military contractor in 1981. It was Arnold Schwarzenegger who pushed General Motors to produce a civilian version of this military vehicle in 1992. It became instantly popular among celebrities. It's peak was 2006 but when individuals realized this car took up a lot of gas, it was discontinued by 2009. 



The Peacock, represented in six colors is a television and radio network established in 1926. Each color of this logo represents a direction of the corporation. It broadcasts to over 200 countries in more than 30 languages. 

NBC: National Broadcasting company 

Yellow is for news, orange is for sports, red stands for entertainment, purple is for the radio section, blue — network, and green is for production.


A majority of jobs nowadays are either working from home or have us sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen. Doing this for a long period of time can cause a tendency to do this, which leads to back pain. It helps to stand up and walk around to avoid this.



This thick and creamy confection is basically served with anything, from donuts to toast or commonly used to make other desserts. It can be hard to find the real authentic one in the United States but it is often substituted with condensed milk. 

Dulce de Leche: Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil 


Likely to arouse the interest and attention of the public, either by media coverage or word of mouth. It's something that is talked about because it is cool and cutting edge. 



At one time the world's biggest film company, they could not keep up with the digital revolution. Despite investing billions of dollars into developing technology for taking pictures using mobile phones, it held back from the mass market. They introduced us to disposable cameras but even now they've become a rare commodity.



The Panda is the animal that represents The world's leading conservation organization. They work across 90 countries to ensure Mother nature's well-being. The logo depicts nature and humanity, which is the animal symbolism for the company's goals. Their focus is saving endangered species, hence the panda. 

WWF: World Wide fund for nature


Sometimes individuals set expectations for themselves that are too high. They sometimes forget to be realistic  and expect that they should know everything. Psychology states that people who focus on learning actually outperform those more focused on performance and who feel worthy only when are successful. 


Very popular in Venezuela and Colombia, these fluffy corn tortilla pancakes are a traditional food that can be found from street vendors to restaurants to everything in between. They are typically crispy on the outside and soft in the inside. Colombians see it as more of a side dish while Venezuelas stuff them to make their own sandwich. 

