A disease that has an unknown origin
What is idiopathic?
This PPE is worn to prevent contact with bodily fluids.
What are gloves?
Roughly the angle a patient is at in semi-Fowler's position.
What is 45 degrees?
Three types of infectious agents.
What are bacteria, fungi, and viruses?
What is the term meaning "destruction of"?
Detection of disease falls into this level of health promotion behavior.
What is secondary?
Commonly referred to as "clean technique."
What is medical asepsis?
Three points on the body to have people log roll a patient.
What are the shoulders, hips, and calves?
Portal of entry involved with eating or drinking.
What is the GI tract?
Term used meaning "to swallow"
What is -phago/-phage/phagia?
Activation of the sympathetic nervous system is this response
What is "fight or flight"?
A gown, mask, gloves, and goggles are considered this in the healthcare setting.
What are personal protective equipment (PPE)?
Connection between muscle and bone.
What is a tendon?
The cause of increased production of leukocytes (WBC).
What is leucocytosis?
Term used to describe "lung" or "air"
What is pneumo?
Type 1 diabetes is considered this type of illness (cue is timeframe)
What is a chronic illness?
Full mouth care is provided this often for an unconscious patient.
What is every 8 hours?
Damaged muscle that pulls joint into fixed position.
What is a contracture?
Passive acquired immunity is considered this line of defense.
What is the third line of defense?
Term used meaning "narrowing"
What is stenosis?
The last stage of general adaptation syndrome
What is the stage of exhaustion?
Order of operations for removal of dentures.
What is upper then lower dentures?
The risk level of the patient with a Braden scale of 5.
What is a high risk?
The use of heat/steam to kill microorganisms.
What is sterilization?
Term used to mean "blood clot"
What is thrombo?