What are the 4 rules when going to the FLEX Room?
No eating, no feet on the furniture, no falling asleep, do not leave trash.
Individual Oral Assessment.
Name that text: "Nolite te bastardes carborundorum"
The Handmaid's Tale
The perspective that a story is told from
the time place and circumstances in which a story takes place
What time does the class begin and when is it considered a tardy? when is it an absence?
0 to 5 minutes: tardy
6 to 10 minutes or more: absence
What does the Paper 2 task in English A consist of?
Comparative Essay, based on a prompt regarding two different texts, the book is not available in this Paper.
Comparing two things by using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’
The message of a work of literature that is not directly stated.
Literary device when the author provides hints to what is going to happen later in the story:
What is the extra credit activity for English class and when is it delivered?
OBSERVATION Journal, selecting a category and writing a page about the observation, submitted on Mondays or Tuesdays.
Which Paper focuses on analyzing non-literary texts?
Paper 1
Device where two things being seen or read are placed close together with contrasting effect.
The way that authors reveal their characters personalities
What are the 6 elements of the PLOT.
:Exposition, Conflict, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution
What is the cellphone policy in this class?
No cellphones on sight, not on desks either.
List the books read in this program (11th and 12th grade)
Pedro Pàramo, Slaughterhouse 5, The Handmaid's Tale, Educated, Persepolis, In Cold Blood, The Dinner.
What is conflict? What are the TWO FORMS of conflict? (BONUS points if at least 3 types of conflict are mentioned)
man vs man
man vs self
man vs society
man vs technology
man vs nature
man vs supernatural being
man vs destiny/fate
The atmosphere or feeling of a work of literature
Mention ONE strategy you can use to analyze texts (acronyms explained)
What is the "late" policy for classwork and other activities?
7 days to submit with a lower grade (70 max). after 7 days it's 0.
Mention at least two tasks (creative or more academic) that were carried out during 11th grade, must be fairly explained.
Mention the ASSESSMENT CRITERIA used for evaluating your literary essays. If explained well double points.
A: knowledge and understanding, B: analysis, C: Focus and organization, D: Language
the author's attitude within a text
the process where some object is used to stand for or represent a quality or idea