A Period of slow or no economic growth
What is a Recession
The meaning of WSJ
What is Wall Street Journal
First step in decision making process
What is define the decision that needs to be made
Term for security method that requires users to provide more than one form of identification to log in
What is Multi-factor authentication
The Banking System of the United States
What is the Federal Reserve
A Period of rising prices
Term for beliefs, behaviors, and other characteristics common among members of a group or society
What is culture
Second step in decision making process
What is Explore all alternatives
Term for online platform that manages your investments automatically based on an algorithm
What is robo-advisor
The name of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve of the United States
What is Jerome Powell
One reason for low unemployment during the current period of inflation
What is Baby Boomers retiring
Term for statistical characteristics of a population
What is demographics
Third step in decision making process
What is Choose the best alternative
Term for the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the internet
What is crowdfunding
The number of Federal Reserve Districts in the United States
What is 12
Term for worldwide spread and integration of production, markets, communications, and technology, giving you access to a vast diversity of goods and services through worldwide markets
What is globalization
Term for application of science and research to human life and environment
What is technology
Fourth step in decision making process
What is Act on your decision
What is blockchain technology
Term for Government programs that provide public assistance largely through Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security
What are entitlements
Phrase for the state of the economy at a given time
What is Economic Conditions
The cryptocurrency that is most popular
What is Bitcoin
Fifth step in decision making process
What is Evaluate your decision or solution
Term for a digital currency in which transactions are verified and records maintained by a decentralized system using cryptography, rather than a centralized authority
What is cryptocurrency
Name of wealthy private citizen who lent money to banks in 1907 to prevent runs on the banks
Who is J. P. Morgan