The Father Of Computer
Who is Charles Babbage
These are the tangible parts of a computer
What is a Hardware?
It is the pictorial representation and manipulation of data, as used in computer-aided design.
What is Graphics?
He introduced World wide web
Who is Tim Berners-Lee
Users can classify and arrange information by adding tag or label. # sign is used in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media sites.
what is Folksonomy?
Provide cursor or screen control. Include four directional keys. Also include Home, End, Insert, Delete, Page up, Page Down, Control, Alternate, and Escape
What is control key?
These are the building blocks of any piece of design and considered as fundamental components of any visual presentation.
What is design elements?
The first man-made satellite launch
What is SPUTNIK?
Refers to using technological advancement to work on similar task
What is convegence
These are any peripheral that receives data from a computer, usually for display, projection or physical reproduction
What is a Output device?
It refers to the relationship of the area occupied by one shape to another.
What is size?
The meaning of the acronym ARPANET?
What is Advanced Research Project Agency Network?
A website where people with the same interest share information.
What is Social Network
These are buttons and options that are frequently used to carry out any commands
What is ribbon?
organizing or grouping, related items together, moving them physically close to each other so that they can be perceived as one.
What is proximity?
a new paradigm in web interaction extension led by World Wide Web Consortium
What is Web3
A technology used in cellular and other devices such as netbook, laptop, tablet smartphones and etc
What is mobile technology
They are designed to satisfy a particular need of particular environment. It may consist of a single program, such as Microsoft Notepad for writing and editing simple text.
What is application software?
is the art or process of arranging printed or graphic matter on a page
What is layout?
When is October 4, 1957?