What is the mission of Medical Battalion?
To provide health service support to the MEF to save every life.
What is the mission of the Shock Trauma Platoon (STP)?
Provide direct medical support to the MEF, including collecting, clearing, and evacuating casualties.
When is the Marine Corps birthday?
November 10, 1775
What does MTF stand for?
How many task are there in Surgical Support Co?
How many task are there for Medical Battalion?
6 task
How many shock trauma platoons are there in support of the MEF?
Who is the Commander in Chief?
President Joseph (Joe) Biden
What echelon level of care does Rehabilitative Care fall under?
Level V
The holding platoon part of Surgical Support Co. consist of three ward sections each containing how many medical/surgical beds?
What are the three companies of 3rd Medical Battalion?
BravoSurgical Co.
Charlie Surgical Co.
The shock trauma platoons consist of two sections; what are they?
stabilization section, collecting and evacuation section.
107: What is General Order 5?
To quit my post only when properly relieved.
What does CRTS stand for?
Casualty receiving and treatment ship
Name 1 platoon part of Surgical Support Co. (platoon/person)
HQ's platoon, triage/evacuation platoon, surgical platoon, holding platoon, combat stress platoon, ancillary service platoon.
What is the organization of Medical Battalion?
functional battalion within CLR and organized to plan, coordinate and supervise the medical support functions of the MEF.
What type of vehicle is used to move the shock trauma platoon personnel and equipment?
7-ton trucks
When is the Navy's birthday?
October 13, 1775
What eschelon(s) of care does Bravo Surgical Co. fall under?
Level I: Initial emergency care
Level II: Initial resuscitative surgical care
What does FRSS stand for?
Foward Resuscitative Surgical System
Give me 1 task of medical battalion (one task/person).
Provide health care through 2nd echelon of medical care.
Provide medical regulating services to the MEF.
Provide preventative medicine support to the MEF.
Assist in collection, analysis, and dissemination of medical intelligence.
Provide medical elements for establishment of casualty decontamination
Provide medical support for management of mass casualties.
Name 1 of the 4 task of the Shock Trauma Platoon (STP)
Establish and operate clearing stations.
Establish medical treatment facilities.
Provide and coordinate medical evacuation.
Provide medical support to personnel of different nations and services.
101: Single hearing protection devices shall be worn in areas where sound noise level exceeds...?
84 dba (8 hour TWA)
What does TMIP stand for?
Theatre Medical Information Program
Name 1 of the task of the Medical Battalion FRSS