Time microscopes professionally serviced.
What is annually.
fecal float and smear
Restraint main rule
What is apply the minimum effective amount of restraint to ensure the safety of all?
What is first thing in the morning and midstream with a ladle or bowl?
Test to check percentage of red blood cells.
What is PCV?
The four main objectives on a microscope.
What is 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x.
Fecal smear preparation.
What is saline (distilled water) with small amount of feces on a slide?
Hand placement for jugular restraint
What is wrapped around the muzzle?
Cystocentesis recumbency
What is lateral, dorsal, or standing?
Test that requires intradermal injections
What is allergen test?
one hand on the arm and other on the base
Fecal collection methods
What is fecal loops and witnessing animal and collecting?
Cats front limbs placement for jugular restraint
What is extended downward off the edge of the table
Time frame to test urine at room temperature
What is 1 hour?
Tool to test specific gravity and total protein.
What is refractometer?
Place where slides go
What is on the stage and secured with the stage clip?
What is 2-5 grams (1/2 to 1 teaspoon)
Finger placement for cephalic restraint
What is the proximal part of the forearm?
Important step before catheterization
What is prepare all sterile supplies?
Tube used for CBC and has EDTA.
What is lavender top tube?
Objective where most fecal parasites are visualized.
What is 10x?
Best way to see trophozoites
What is fecal smear
Hand placement for lateral saphenous
What is distal to the stifle?
Collection method that creates trauma to bladder.
What is cystocentesis?
Test that is looking for clumping
What is agglutination?