Describes an act of prejudice.
What is one thing used by a prejudice person to evaluate the members of an out group?
Us Category
How are the people in the "us category " viewed?
Difference in prejudice.
How different is prejudice now from it was then?
Description of an unprejudiced self image
What is an unprejudiced self image?
The inevitable nature of prejudice
Is prejudice inevitable?
Describes how prejudice is expressed.
How is prejudice expressed? Provide an explanation of your response.
Them category
How are the people in the "them" category viewed and why?
Expressions of prejudice
What is the name of the specific crime used to describe how prejudice is being presented in recent times?
Maintaining an unprejudiced self image.
How is an unprejudiced self image maintained?
Reduction in prejudice
Can prejudice be reduced? Justify
Speaks to what prejudice is based on.
Can prejudice be based on positive feelings? Explain why or why not.
Which group is bias expressed towards? Why?
Subtle ways
Describe at least three subtle ways used today to express prejudice.
Example of maintaining an unprejudiced self image.
Provide an example of how an unprejudiced self image is maintained in today's society.
Instruments in reducing prejudice.
What can be used to reduce prejudice?
Origin of prejudice
What feelings create an atmosphere for prejudice to develop?
Us and Them Categories
What is the difference between the "us" and "them" categories?
Prejudice in history
How was prejudice expressed in times we have only learnt about through text books etc?
Effects of maintaining an unprejudiced self image.
Does portraying an unprejudiced self image negate prejudice in persons? Why or why not?
Personal stance on prejudice
What are your views on prejudice?
Notable origin
What is the notable origin of prejudice? Differentiate between the two kinds of it's origin mentioned in the presentation.
Social identity Theory
What does the social identity theory say about in and out groups?
Prejudice: Active;
Consider how prejudice was displayed and how it is being displayed now. Would you say that it is a thing of the past? Why or why not?
Success of maintaining an unprejudiced self image.
Do you believe persons have been successful in maintaining their prejudice or is that persons are aware but turn a blind eye?