The eight distinct stages of development
What is Erikson?
Thorndike, Pavlov, Skinner, Watson
Who are some behavioral theorist?
Montessori, Reggio, Rogers, ,Malow.
Who are some holistic/ Humanism learning theorist?
Mental, physical, emotional, spiritual.
What is a medicine wheel?
The sixteen personality types
Who is Myers-Briggs?
People acquire knowledge of language, reading and writing before they are formally introduced to it.
What is Clay?
Teachers who use a token economy are modelling who?
Who is Skinner.
Four planes of development
What is Montessori?
Story telling, learning circles, land-based learning.
What are some important component of Indigenous learning theory?
Dweck Proposed
Dweck proposed that the brain is a muscle that can be developed with work.
Reading and writing need to be taught together as literacy
What is Sulzby?
Behavior formation is a function
What is frequency and recency?
Maslow hierarchy of Needs
Who is the Blackfoot First Nation?
Circle of courage
what is Belonging, Mastery, Independence and Generosity
What was used by Willis to explore the brain?
Has used neuroscience to explore how the brain reacts to learning in joyful settings and situations.
Building blocks of Knowledge
What is Schemas?
Law of Effect: Learning = Behavior + Consequence
Who is Thorndike?
The three key elements identified by Rogers
What is Authenticity, Respect/trust, Empathy?
The place-Based knowledge?
Place shapes what we know, how we know it and how we express our knowledge.
The 5 domains of emotional intelligence?
Self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills
The 4 areas of growth and development in Maturation theory
What is Motor, Adaptive (Cognitive), Language, and personal social behavior?
The Old and new association between events/ objects/Knowledge
Unconditioned stimulus
Unconditioned response
Conditioned stimulus
Conditioned response
Maslow proposed
What is lower order needs,(physiological and safety), and higher order needs( belonging, esteem and self-actualization ?
What do Indigenous cultures use?
They use stories & Elders to provide the codes of conduct expected of each member of a community.
How does Gardner's theory describe intelligence?
Described intelligence as diverse, unlike the traditional belief that it's a single quality measured by an IQ test.