Random Practice Questions
Subpart A-General
Subpart B-Operating Rules
Subpart C-Remote Pilot Certification
Subpart D-Operations Over Human Beings
Subpart E-Waivers

Within how many days must a sUAS accident be reported to the FAA?

10 days


What is the definition of "Control station" in the context of Part 107?

An interface used by the remote pilot to control the flight path of the sUAS


Under § 107.12, when can a person manipulate the flight controls of a small unmanned aircraft system without a remote pilot certificate?

When under direct supervision of a remote pilot in command (RPIC)


 What is the minimum passing grade for knowledge tests under § 107.67?



When can you operate a drone from a moving vehicle?

Only in sparsely populated areas.


What must a request for a certificate of waiver contain, as per § 107.200?

A complete description of the proposed operation and justification for safety


According to 14 CFR part 107, a sUAS is a unmanned aircraft system weighing

Less than 55 lbs


Which type of aviation activities are excluded from the applicability of Part 107?

Hobby use and recreational drone flights


Name 2 human conditions that would prohibit operation of a sUAS.

  1. Within 8 hours after the consumption of any alcoholic beverage

  2. While under the influence of alcohol

  3. While using any drug that affects the person’s faculties in any way contrary to safety (Prescription or OTC)

  4. While having an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater in a blood or breath specimen. (3 hrs per drink)

  5. This applies to RPIC, person manipulating controls and visual observer.


What is prohibited by an applicant during a knowledge test according to § 107.69?

Using any material or aid unless authorized by the Administrator
Collaborating with other applicants during the test
Representing another person for the test

Any form of cheating 


Which operating category is this?

○ Unmanned aircraft must have an airworthiness certificate issued under Part 21 and the operating limitations must not prohibit operations over human beings. 

○ Must be operated in accordance with the operating limitations specified in the approved Flight Manual and must maintain documentation of maintenance, preventive maintenance, alterations, and inspections performed for a period of 1 year. 

○ Sustained flight over open-air assemblies are prohibited unless the aircraft meets the requirements for standard remote ID or is equipped with remote identification broadcast module

Category 4


Provide 2 examples of situations where you must request a waiver?

Any operation that deviates from standard regulations

Entering controlled airspace


A Remote PIC is operating a sUAS at night to survey a structure using aerial thermal imagery. The sUAS is equipped with high-visibility position and anti-collision lighting. Though the lighting would be visible for 3 statute miles, the Remote PIC has also greatly reduced the operational area of the sUAS for night maneuvers.

Is this sUAS operation in compliance with 14 CFR Part 107?

Compliant with Part 107


What are 2 potential consequences for making fraudulent records or reports under § 107.5 of Part 107? 

a. Fine
b. Warning letter
c. Denial of a remote pilot certificate


Under § 107.31, who must be able to see the unmanned aircraft throughout the entire flight?  

Both remote pilot in command and person manipulating flight controls


According to § 107.71, how long must an applicant wait to reapply for a knowledge test after failing?

14 calendar days


Which operation category is this?

○ Unmanned aircraft weigh over 0.55 lbs; must not have exposed rotating parts that would lacerate human skin and must be labeled as Category 3 

○ Does not contain any safety defects and it must not cause injury to a human being with an impact greater than 25 foot-pounds of kinetic energy. 

○ Requires an FAA-accepted means of compliance and declaration of compliance. 

○ Must not operate the unmanned aircraft over open-air assemblies 

○ Operations must be within or over a closed or restricted access site and all people within the site must be on notice that a small unmanned aircraft may fly over them. 

○ May only maintain sustained flight over people directly participating in flight operations or located under a covered structure or inside a stationary vehicle

Category 3


You are issued a waiver to operate a drone from a moving vehicle for a film. Can you also carry an additional camera on the drone?

NO. Operation from a moving vehicle or aircraft. However, no waiver of this provision will be issued to allow the carriage of property of another by aircraft for compensation or hire. 


A company hires a sUAS operator to film construction progress on a new headquarters building. The Remote PIC wants to capture sunrise footage and begins aerial photography about 15 minutes before sunrise. Most of the operation will be conducted after sunrise, though, so the sUAS is not equipped with anti-collision or position lighting.

Is this sUAS operation in compliance with 14 CFR Part 107?

Not compliant with Part 107


What must a remote pilot have in their possession and readily accessible during the operation of a small unmanned aircraft system (sUAS)?

Remote pilot certificate with a small UAS rating and identification


Under § 107.41, what must a person obtain before operating a small unmanned aircraft system in Class B, Class C, or Class D airspace?

Prior authorization from Air Traffic Control (ATC)


What does § 107.65 require a person to accomplish within the previous 24 calendar months to exercise the privileges of a remote pilot in command with small UAS rating?

Recurrency training


Which Operation Category is this (1/2/3/4)?

○ Unmanned aircraft must weigh less than 0.55 lbs, including everything on board or attached; 

○ Does not require labeling and must not have exposed rotating parts that would lacerate human skin; 

○ Does not require an FAA-accepted Means of Compliance (MOC) or Declaration of Compliance (DOC) 

○ Sustained flight over open-air assemblies is prohibited unless the aircraft is equipped with standard remote ID or a remote ID broadcast module

Category 1


You want to fly 108 mini drones for a light show at Six Flags. Do you need a waiver for this? Why or why not?

Yes, because regulations state that a single RPIC can only fly one drone at a time. A waiver is needed to deviate from this regulation.


Power company employees use a sUAS to inspect a long stretch of high voltage powerlines. Due to muddy conditions, their vehicle must stay beside the road and the crew uses binoculars to maintain visual line of sight with the sUAS.

Is this sUAS operation in compliance with 14 CFR Part 107?

Not compliant with Part 107


Who can request an inspection of the remote pilot certificate and identification according to § 107.7 of Part 107?

any FAA, NTSB, TSA representative and/or Federal, State or local Law Enforcement



Under § 107.51, what is the maximum groundspeed allowed for a small unmanned aircraft?

87 knots 

100 MPH


How old must a person be to obtain their Remote Pilot Certificate?



Which Operation category is this (1/2/3/4)?

○ Unmanned aircraft weigh over 0.55 lbs; must not have exposed rotating parts that would lacerate human skin and must be labeled as Category 2 

○ Does not contain any safety defects and it must not cause injury to a human being with an impact greater than 11 foot-pounds of kinetic energy 

○ Requires FAA-accepted means of compliance and declaration of compliance.

○ Sustained flight over open-air assemblies are prohibited unless the aircraft meets the requirements for standard remote ID or is equipped with remote identification broadcast module  

Category 2


Where can you go to obtain a waiver?

FAA Drone Zone
