Doing for the patient what you have promised to do
What is fidelity?
Order in which you don PPE
What is gown, mask, goggles or face mask and gloves?
Easy way to break the chain of infection
What is hand hygiene?
You use your eyes for this
What is inspection?
The degree to which you feel overwhelmed or unable to cope as a result of pressures
What is stress?
Fairness when using resources and delivering care
What is justice?
Talk us through the application of a gait belt
What is snugly around the waist?
A systemic infection is called
What is sepsis?
Temperature, turgor and texture are assessed this way
What is palpation?
A person who represents another person's interests
What is an advocate?
A commitment to tell the truth
What is veracity?
Explain where and why a quick release restraint knot will be tied
What is on a non moveable part of the bed frame so the movement of bed frame will not harm the patient?
List 3 ways to reduce the spread of pathogens
What is wash hands for at least 15 seconds, cover mouth when sneezing or coughing, wear isolation PPE as ordered, using biohazard bags for specimens sent to the lab?
You always provide this for your patient
What is privacy?
The patient is able to make independent decisions
What is autonomy?
A commitment to do no harm
What is nonmaleficence?
Talk us through situating a wheelchair near the bed for a transfer
What is place the wheelchair right next to the bed near the patient's strong side with wheels locked?
List 4 signs/symptoms of a localized infection
What are edema, pain at the site, drainage, erythema, warm?
Language barrier? Get one of these.
What is an interpreter?
List 3 things that happen in the alarm phase of GAS
(General Adaptation Syndrome)
What are increased pulse, increased BP, dilated bronchioles, dilated pupils, peripheral vasoconstriction, decreased GI activity, decreased GU activity?
An act of kindness or doing good for the patient
What is beneficence?
Teach us how an incentive spirometer is to be used
What is inhaling and expanding the lungs?
6 components of the chain of infection (start with pathogen)
What are pathogen, reservoir, portal of exit, transmission, portal of entry and susceptible host?
The bell side of the stethoscope is used for
What are low pitched sounds?
Related to or caused by an upright posture
What is orthostatic hypotension?