Whenever things are dragging you down, grabbed you by the hair and pulled you to the ground
Quick Revive
This is how you get the achievement “Monkey See, Monkey Don’t”
Kill a monkey when it steals a drop on BO1s Shangri La.
Name one of the chalk outline weapons from BO2s Buried
AN94, AK74U, Galvaknuckles, PDW-57, Remington R870, SVU-AS
This is the real name of the “Crazy Place”
Dire Wolf
Your hands are slow, you’re moving sluggish. Your lack of speed just brings you anguish.
Speed Cola
This is the achievement you get for finishing Mob of the Dead’s Easter Egg
Pop Goes the Weasel
This is the location of the Galvaknuckle wall buy on BO2s Tranzit.
Roof of the Diner
This is how to get more than 4 perks on BO2 Origins.
Get golden shovel and use zombie blood to find red digs for extra bottles. Use chest reward for free double tap
Slap your body to the floor, everybody needs some more of your loving.
PHD Flopper
This is how you get the achievement Der Meisterbogenschuetze
Obtain all the ancient bows in BO3s Der Eisendrache
This is the exclusive wall weapon found on BO2s Origins.
This is the name of the EE step where you shoot down the fiery plane in zombie blood.
Skewer the Winged Beast
Remington New Army Pistol
I was talking to myself just the other day. I was hearing lots of things I never thought I’d say.
Who’s Who
To get the achievement “See Me, Stab Me, Heal Me” you would have to do this.
Shoot a downed teammate with a pack-a-punched Ballistic Knife
These are both exclusive wall weapons on BO2s Mob of the Dead
Mini Uzi and M1927 (Tommy Gun)
Give the names of at least 2 Upgraded Staffs
Fire- Kagatsuchi’s Blood
Lightning- Kimat’s Bite
Ice- Ull’s Arrow
Wind- Borea’s Fury
To err is human, to forgive is divine. But I’m not forgiving and the error ain’t mine.
Deadshot Daiquiri
This is how you get the achievement “Awaken the Gazebo”
Pack-a-Punch on Round 1 on BO2s Buried.
The AUG wall-buy can be found on the front of the podium with the mounted machine, on the Nintendo Wii version of Kino Der Toten. This weapon can be found here on the BO3 Zombie Chronicles.
No weapon is found here.
Thor- Gen 2/3
Odin- Gen 4/5
Freya- Church/6
Dystopic Demolisher
War Machine