Movies Mix
Where in the States Am I?
Bible Quiz

 Which actor/actress did NOT appear in the 1982 movie "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial"?

 Drew Barrymore

 Arnold Schwarzenegger

 Henry Thomas

 Robert MacNaughton

Answer: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Henry Thomas played 10-year old Elliott who found E.T. and became friends with the alien. Drew Barrymore starred as Gertie, Elliott's little sister, and Robert MacNaughton played Michael, Elliott's big brother.


I have been driving through a northwestern state and have traveled through the towns of Starbuck, Walla Walla, Port Angeles and Olympia. What state am I in?Hint





Answer: Washington

Isn't it fun that the State of Washington has a town by the name of Starbuck? In southwest Washington, you can visit Mount St. Helens, the volcano that erupted in May of 1980.


The bite of which type of parasite can cause what is known as Lyme disease?

 A tick

 A beetle

 A tock

 A fly

Answer: A tick

Lyme Disease is caused by a bacteria and transferred to humans by being bitten by infected ticks. A tick is a parasite of the arachnid family that lives on the blood of animals. Symptoms of Lyme disease include a rash, headaches and fatigue. It causes inflammation of major organs like the brain, heart, eyes, liver, lungs etc.


 What is the first book of the Bible?





Answer: Genesis

You can find the creation of the world, the first man and woman, the first murder, the Great Flood and Noah's Ark and others in this chapter of the Bible.


Office, outer and personal...

Answer:  (5 letters)

Answer: space

Office space is a place where you work, as well as a 1999 comedy.

Outer space is that which exists above the Earth and between the stars.

Personal space is the area immediately surrounding a person and, when encroached, feels uncomfortable.


What Oscar-winning 1981 film tells the story of a group of British track athletes who competed in the 1924 Paris Olympic games?

 Once Were Warriors

 Chariots of Fire

 With Wings of Eagles


Answer: Chariots of Fire

"Chariots of Fire" is based on historical events, but takes some liberties with characters and situations. It tells the story of a group of young British runners who "ran for king and country" in the Paris Olympic games of 1924. The story focuses on Harold Abrahams, an English Cambridge University student who had felt discrimination due to his Jewish heritage, a sprinter who sought to make a place for himself in the Establishment through his running; and on Eric Liddell, a Scottish rugby player and fledgling missionary to China, who concentrated on running to glorify God.


 I am in a state with beautiful peach orchards and many Civil War battlefields. I have passed through Macon, Augusta, Peachtree City, and Marietta. What state am I in?Hint


 North Carolina



Answer: Georgia

The peaches from Georgia are fabulous! If you go to Savannah you can visit Paula Deen's restaurant. She is a popular chef on the Food Network. Of course, this is Carter Country and Jimmy Carter comes from Plains.


What highly intelligent cephalopod mollusk has a large head, several arms with suction cups, no skeleton and has been observed using tools for protection?





Answer: Octopus

The octopus is a very intelligent mollusk, with three hearts and eight arms. Its ability to perform several tasks has been observed by scientists which includes opening up bottles and using empty clam shells as shields from predators. It can also squeeze itself in small spaces and swim very fast to avoid getting caught.


As recorded in the Bible, who was the first man to experience physical death?

Answer:  (One Word)

Answer: Abel

Cain killed his brother, Abel, because he was jealous of God's preference to Abel's sacrifice. Cain and Abel are the sons of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman.


Twilight, postal and red...

Answer:  (4 letters)

Answer: zone

"Twilight Zone" is Rod Serling's TV show which ran from 1959 to 1964.

Postal zones are the areas from a piece of mail's origin to its destination.

Red zone is a football term for the area between the 20-yard line and the goal.


Taking place annually in Utah and named after a character from a 1969 American Western, what is the largest independent film festival in the United States?

 Locarno Festival

 South by Southwest

 Sundance Film Festival

 Tribeca Festival

Answer: Sundance Film Festival

The Sundance Film Festival was founded in 1978 by Robert Redford and named for his character from the classic 1969 film 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid'. It is held in Utah and draws around 50,000 people each year. Of the incorrect answers, South by Southwest is held in Austin, Texas, the Tribeca Festival is held in New York City, New York, and the Locarno Festival is held in Switzerland.


I am looking at the Rocky Mountains and I am at the Continental Divide. I have been to Missoula, Whitefish, Bigfork and Butte. What state am I in?Hint

 North Dakota


 South Dakota


Answer: Montana

Montana is Lewis and Clark country and loaded with historical sites. Missoula is called the Garden City because of its mild winters (compared to the rest of Montana) and is also home to the University of Montana.


Vital for protection, which of the following animals does NOT have a carapace?





Answer: earthworm

A carapace is a protective "shell" which encases an animal, helping to keep its internal organs safe. The carapace is the upper part (dorsal) of the exoskeleton. Some animals, such as the tortoise and the turtle, have an inner skeleton (known as an endoskeleton), and scientists believe that today's turtle shell came from the rib cage of its ancestors and not from an exoskeleton.


As described in the Book of Exodus, what was the greatest suffering sent by Almighty God to the Egyptian people when the king of Egypt refused to let His people, the Israelites, go?

 they drowned in the Red Sea

 making the Egyptians wander around the desert for 40 years

 the tenth plague

 changed them into frogs

Answer: the tenth plague

One night, the Angel of Death passed through the land of Egypt and killed every first-born creature, both man and beast. Only the Jews were saved because of the blood of the lamb on their doorposts. Even the king's son died. It was the tenth plague sent by God that finally convinced the king to let the Israelites go.


Chief, poetic and criminal...

Answer:  (7 letters)

Answer: justice

Chief justice is a member of the US Supreme Court.

Poetic justice is deserved retribution for a person's actions.

Criminal justice is a system of law enforcement which includes police and judges.


Who was the comic book hero who first appeared in 1934, and whose adversary was Ming the Merciless?

 Dan Dare

 Flash Gordon


 Crimson Avenger

Answer: Flash Gordon

Flash Gordon was introduced as a comic book space hero, following the successful launch of Buck Rogers in similar guise several years earlier. There then followed numerous appearances of the character in film and television series, and his popularity has endured the test of time.


 I am now in a state that is the crossroads of the Revolutionary War. I have driven through Atlantic City and the towns of Somerville, Tenafly, Springfield, and Hoboken. Where am I?


 New York


 New Jersey

Answer: New Jersey

New Jersey is a dairy state and the most densely populated state in the USA. The historical sites, the Atlantic Shore, and the lighthouses are a tourist's delight.


Sponges are most accurately described as what?

 Aquatic predators

 Aquatic filter feeders

 Marine predators

 Freshwater scavengers

Sponges do not have nervous, digestive or circulatory systems. Instead, most rely on maintaining a constant water flow through their bodies to obtain food and oxygen and to remove wastes.


Who was the man, numbered among Jesus' Apostles, who walked on water according to the Bible?





Answer: Peter

After the miracle of the loaves and fish, Jesus went to the mountain to pray and the disciples started to head for home in a boat. Suddenly, they saw Jesus walking on the water. He told them not to be afraid, so Peter set out confidently, but he became afraid and began to sink. Jesus stretched forth His hands and said, 'O you of little faith, why did you doubt?'


 Boxing, diamond and telephone...

Answer:  (4 letters)

Answer: ring

Boxing ring is the roped-in square where pugilists fight.

Diamond ring is jewelry given to someone as a sign of engagement.

Telephone ring is the sound a phone makes when one is receiving an incoming call.


 From which film is this iconic line: "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the War Room!"?


 Full Metal Jacket

 Dr. Strangelove


Answer: Dr. Strangelove

Stanley Kubrick and Peter George and Terry Southern were the screenwriters for this film. They wrote that ironic line of dialogue for the character President Merkin Muffley played by the actor Peter Sellers in the film "Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb" (1964).


I am in a state that has a lot of farmland and a great city. The towns of New Salem, Springfield, Metropolis, and Champaign all have special sites. I am in the Midwest in a state known for its corn and prairies. Where am I?





Answer: Illinois

This is the Land of Lincoln, the birthplace of Ronald Reagan, Ulysses S. Grant had a home here after the Civil War, and President Obama calls Chicago home. Metropolis has a giant statue of Superman in front of the courthouse even though it is only a small town on the Ohio River. New Salem is where Abe Lincoln came as a young man.


Animals: Is the Tasmanian Devil living, extinct, mythological or a folk tale?

 Folk tale




Answer: Living

The cartoon character, Taz, may not be real, but the Tasmanian Devil is, and it lives, unsurprisingly, in Tasmania! It is the largest carnivorous marsupial, and although it is only the size of a small dog, it is known for its ferocity. The Tasmanian Devil population is being ravaged by a contagious facial cancer - the threat is so great that healthy animals are being removed from the wild to be kept as breeding stock should the wild population die out.


Who was the angel who is said, in the Gospel of Luke, to have appeared to Mary and told her that she would conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit?





Answer: Gabriel

Saint Gabriel, the Archangel, is known as the angel of the Incarnation and of Consolation.


Shooting, movie and falling...

Answer:  (4 letters)

Answer: star

A shooting star is a meteor which is visible as it quickly crosses the sky.

A movie star is a celebrity who acts in films.

A falling star is a meteoroid composed of dust and rock falling into the Earth's atmosphere.


What actress starred alongside Dennis Quaid in "Yours, Mine & Ours", Pierce Brosnan in "The Thomas Crown Affair", and Kevin Costner in "Tin Cup"?

 Rene Russo

 Nicole Kidman

 Julia Roberts

 Jennifer Lawrence

Answer: Rene Russo

Rene Russo was born in 1954 and she made her film debut in the 1989 comedy "Major League" as Lynn, the ex-girlfriend to the main character Jake. Some of her other prominent film roles include Dr. Robby Keough in "Outbreak", Kate Mullen in "Ransom" and Frigga in "Thor".


I have crossed the Mississippi River and visited the towns of Amana, Grand Junction, Fort Dodge and Dubuque. This state has been referred to as "America's Heartland." What state am I in?





Answer: Iowa

With beautiful bluffs on the banks of the Mississippi River and rich farmlands, Iowa is a picturesque state with rolling hills and a rich history of pioneer settlements. Iowa was admitted to the Union in 1846 as the 29th State.


A new species of frog was discovered in Thailand in 2009. It is remarkable for eating what?




 Beef stir fried with chilli

Answer: Birds

The male of the Khorat big-mouthed frog (Limnonectes megastomias) has fangs that it uses during combat with other males.


Who does the Bible say is the father of Ham, Shem, and Japheth?





Answer: Noah

Noah and his sons labored diligently for one hundred twenty years to construct the ark.


Tap, toilet and bottled...

Answer:  (5 letters)

Answer: water

Tap water is that which comes from the faucet.

Toilet water is a diluted form of perfume or cologne.

Bottled water is drinking water, in a plastic container, that you have to pay for.


Tough boots to fill. John Wayne won an Oscar for playing Rooster Cogburn in "True Grit" in 1969. Who played the same role in 2010 version?

 Kevin Costner

 Jeff Goldblum

 Jeff Bridges

 Kevin Kline

Answer: Jeff Bridges

Directed by the Coen Brothers, they were determined to make their version true to source material by the original author Charles Portis. As such they directed Jeff Bridges to forget about the John Wayne version. Mr Bridges did a credible job earning an Oscar nomination but not a win.


Again I am driving through another town by the name of Springfield as well as St. Joseph, Creve Coeur, and Cape Girardeau. I am in the Midwest. What state am I in?





Answer: Missouri

Mark Twain was born in Florida, Missouri in 1835. St. Joseph was the rough frontier outpost that was the last supply station for the wagon trains heading west. The state was named after the Missouri River.


The Arctic fox and the Arctic hare are endemic to the Arctic. Which of the following animals is endemic to Antarctica?


 Emperor Penguin

 Polar bear


Answer: Emperor Penguin

The Emperor penguin lives along the Antarctic shorelines. In order to endure the extremely cold temperatures, the Emperor penguins are thickly insulated and will huddle together to retain heat. Other animals living in Antarctica include the elephant seals and leopard seals. The moose, polar bear and reindeer are endemic to the Arctic.


What place is described in the Old Testament as the Land of Promise?





Answer: Canaan

Canaan was the land where Moses led the Israelites on God's command.


Soul, express and midnight...

Answer:  (5 letters)

Answer: train

"Soul Train" was a Don Cornelius TV music show which began in 1971.

Express train is a public transportation vehicle making limited stops.

"Midnight Train" was both a song with different lyrics by many different songwriters, and a 2013 Chinese film.


In the delightful movie "You've Got Mail", who is Brinkley?

 The elevator operator

 Joe's dog

 Joe Fox's assistant

 The television interviewer

Answer: Joe's dog

Brinkley is Joe Fox's beautiful Golden Retriever dog, in the delightfully whimsical movie "You've Got Mail". As Joe Fox and Kathleen Kelly communicate anonymously via email, they unwittingly cross paths in their real lives. Inevitably both worlds collide.


I am now in a state that is one of the "four corners" states where four states meet at one point. Towns of Alamogordo, Taos, Truth or Consequences, and Mescalero are interesting for their history and rich heritage. Where am I?



 New Mexico


Answer: New Mexico

This is a state with strong Spanish, Mexican and Native American cultural influences. With mountains and bluffs, it is one of the most sparsely populated states. The first atomic bomb test was on the Trinity Site in Alamogordo on July 16, 1945.


What giant breed of dog is known as the Apollo of dogs due to a lineage going back to Roman times?

 Irish Wolfhound

 Great Dane

 Old English Mastiff

 Jack Russell Terrier

Answer: Great Dane

Also know as the Velcro dog - they love their owners so much that they stick to you like glue and love cuddles on the settee. They don't realise they can weigh 75kg plus!


What is the last book of the Old Testament?





Answer: Malachi


Red, evil and pink...

Answer:  (3 letters)

Answer: eye

Red eye is either a late-night commercial flight or a photographic effect.

Evil eye represents a stare that can supposedly cause harm.

Pink eye, called conjunctivitis, is an inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva of the eye, which causes redness and swelling.


 In what movie did John Wayne's character NOT die?

 The Quiet Man

 The Shootist

 The Cowboys

 The Sands of Iwo Jima

nswer: The Quiet Man

John Wayne's character died in eight films. The three listed in the question and also "Central Airport", "Reap the Wild Wind", "The Fighting Seabees", "Wake of the Red Witch" and "The Alamo". In "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" his character was dead at the beginning of the movie.


I am in a state named after a European monarch. I have driven through the towns of Lafayette, Lake Charles, Slidell, and Bogalusa. There is a lot of Spanish moss hanging from the old live oaks and in the south, the cemeteries are mausoleums with the graves above ground. Where am I? 





Answer: Louisiana

There is a rich mixture of French, Spanish, and African heritage.


What royally named butterfly is the largest in the world?

 Red Admiral

 Goliath Birdwing

 Cairns Birdwing

 Queen Alexandra's Birdwing

Answer: Queen Alexandra's Birdwing

The Queen Alexandra's Birdwing butterfly can achieve a wing span of 30cm (approximately 12 inches). It lives in Papua New Guinea. The caterpillars eat a plant called pipevine which is toxic, this makes the adult butterfly taste rather nasty so it is left alone by predators.


Where can we find the Bible passage, 'God said, Let us make mankind in our image and likeness'?

 1 Corinthians 13:6-7

 Revelation 2:2

 Genesis 1:26

 John 3:16

Answer: Genesis 1:26


Bic, poison and pig

Answer:  (3 letters)

Answer: pen

Bic is the brand name of a ballpoint pen created by Frenchman Marcel Bich.

Poison pen refers to a malicious letter, usually sent anonymously.

Pig pen is the sty which houses pigs, or the name of a character from "Peanuts".


From which film would you hear the line, "You shall see a cow on the roof of a cotton house"?

 Down in the Delta

 O Brother, Where Art Thou?

 White Lightning

 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Answer: O Brother, Where Art Thou?

In the searing heat of the Mississippi sun, in the 30s, three inmates made a break and escaped from prison. Everett Ulysses McGill, and his chained cohorts, Delmar and Pete were told by a blind prophet they would see 'thangs' too wonderful to tell, like a cow on the roof of a cotton house.


I am in the Pacific Northwest even though it does not border the Pacific Ocean. I have traveled through Coeur d'Alene, Downey, Idaho Falls, and Pocatello and if I go far enough north I will be in Canada. Where am I?




 South Dakota

Answer: Idaho

The land that the Russet Burbank potato made famous, Idaho is a mostly mountainous state that borders British Columbia to the north. Ski resorts and whitewater rafting abound in this great outdoors. This is a fabulous place for a vacation.


Which of these "flies" is actually a beetle?

 house fly


 tsetse fly


Answer: firefly

Fireflies glow because of their natural bioluminescence.


Who was the father of Jonathan who was jealous of David, as described in the Book of Samuel?





Answer: Saul

Jonathan had become really close with David. Time came that his father, Saul, became so jealous of David because the people loved him. Saul told Jonathan of his plan to kill David, but Jonathan told David to escape and remain in hiding.


 Hope, solitaire and blood...

Answer:  (7 letters)

Answer: diamond

The Hope diamond, weighing over 45 carats, is one of the world's most famous jewels.

A solitaire diamond refers to a setting, e.g., a ring or necklace, with only one diamond.

A blood diamond is a diamond mined in a war zone, or the name of a 2006 movie.
