To give knowledge to a younger generation.
what is Pass down
Certainty about the past
what is must have
Formula to build a sentence
Noun + had+ been + verb in -ing
What is Past perfect continuous
We use the________to describe a future action that will be in progress at a specific time in the future.
What is Future continuous.
Stop existing.
what is Die out
Criticism of past action in positive
What is should have
Formula to build a sentence
noun+ had+ third form of the verb
What is Past perfect
We form the __________________ with this formula
Will+ have + the third form of the verb.
What is Future perfect simple.
To remove something from the ground.
what is Dig up
ability or willingness to do something in the past, but it didn't happen.
What is could have or would have
Use it to show that an action was in progress in the past before another action happened or interrupted it. We often say how long the action continued.
What is Past perfect continuous
Get everything working on your computer.
what is Set up
Past possibility
What is could have, may have , might have
What form is this sentence written in?
We had talked for a long time before we came to an agreement.
What is Past perfect