By Order of the King
Important People

This Proclamation came after Britain and the Colonists won a war against the French and Indians, giving the colonists ownership of the land they fought for. King George III (King of England) later told the colonists they weren't allowed to live on that land. 

What was the Proclamation of 1763?


This event occurred when colonists outside a Custom's House (tax collecting place) were protesting the taxes. They began yelling and insulting the tax collectors. Somebody (nobody knows who) fired a gun, causing the soldiers guarding the tax agency to fire into the crowd, killing 8 colonists.

What was the Boston Massacre?


This man was a commander of the English Army in the French and Indian War, but then decided to team up with the Colonists and lead their army in the Revolutionary War. Later on he became America's first president. 

Who was George Washington?


The Proclamation of 1763 (Treaty of Paris), said that even though they won the French and Indian War, colonists were not allowed to settle in this area. 

What was the Ohio River Valley, east of the Mississippi River?


This is a group of people that make laws.

What is a congress?

When Parliament and the King passed this law, it forced the colonists to pay taxes on every single piece of paper they used, including playing cards, legal documents, newspapers, books, etc. Each piece of paper had to have a stamp on it, showing you paid your tax for it. 

What was the Stamp Act?


The colonists formed these committees in order to form a system of communication. The committee wrote pamphlets and new articles reporting on the big events in Boston, how unfair the King was treating them, and encouraging boycotts and protests throughout the colonies. 

What were the Committees of Correspondence?


John Adams, Samuel Adams, George Washington, and Patrick Henry were all part of this group, which met to figure out how the colonies should respond to the Intolerable Acts. 

What was the First Continental Congress?


Representatives of colonists from 9 colonies met in this place, in 1765, to demand that Parliament repeal the Stamp Act. 

Where was New York?


This means you are forced to allow soldiers to live in your house, taking your food, clothes, furniture, bedroom, shower, and anything else in your house that they want to take. 

What is to quarter?


When this act was passed, it placed taxes on any products shipped into the colonies, including: glass, tea, lead, and paper. Every company that shipped goods into the colonies had to pay this tax, except for English tea companies. England collected this tax to make money. 

What was the Townshend Acts?

After the King repealed all other taxes, but left taxes on tea, and passed the Tea Act, meaning that only England was allowed to sell tea to the colonists, this event was how the colonists responded. The Son's of Liberty disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians, climbed aboard the British tea ships, and dumped the tea into the Boston Harbor.

What was the Boston Tea Party?


This rider was the first to arrive to Lexington to warn John Adams and John Hancock that the British Army was coming to take all the ammo the colonists had stored up. 

Who was Paul Revere?


A massacre happened in this city when colonists were protesting the stamp act and British soldiers fired into the crowd, killing 8 colonists. 

Where was Boston?


This is when the military takes over a city/ state/ country and enforces the laws, usually by threat of violence. 

What is Martial Law?


This was the King's response to the Boston Tea Party. With this order, the King shut down the Boston Harbor, forced Boston to pay for the damaged Tea, forced the colonists to allow soldiers to live in their house, and declared Martial Law in Boston, meaning the soldiers controlled the city. 

What was the Coercive Acts?


The meeting of this group was in response to the Intolerable Acts. There were 55 representatives from throughout the colonies, and they debated whether or not they should declare independence from England. In the end, they decided to go a more peaceful route and sent a Declaration of Rights asking the King to repeal the Intolerable Acts. 

What was the First Continental Congress?


This group of people opposed Britain's actions and policies, wanting to declare independence and make the colonies into a separate country. 

Who were the Patriots?


The King shut down this place after the Boston Tea Party. It was where most of the trade deals happened in Boston. 

What was the Boston Harbor?


These were made up of colonists who owned or knew how to use a gun, kind of a makeshift volunteer army, called minutemen. 

What was a militia?


This Act sent the message that the King was still the ruler of the Colonies. He made this act when he felt like the colonists were getting too much power. 

The Declaratory Act of 1766

This event happened when the English soldiers learned that the colonists were building an army of "minutemen" and storing ammunition. The English Army went to storm the bunker where the ammo was stored, and the Minutemen protected it. Somebody fired a gun (not sure which side), which led to a full battle. This was the official start of very first battle of the Revolutionary War. 

What was the Shot Heard Around the World?


This group of People wanted to remain loyal to the King of England and wanted the colonies to stay as part of England. 

Who were the Loyalists?


This was where the first battle of the Revolutionary War was fought, after the Shot Heard Around the World happened. 

Where was Lexington?


This was a building where tax collectors worked, making sure that colonists paid taxes on all items that were supposed to be taxed. 

What was a Custom House?
