What does PM&E Stand for?
Prepare for Movement & Emplacement?
How many points for contact must you have while climbing equipment?
What does PMCS stand for?
Preventive Maintenance Checks & Services.
What does ELES stand for?
Enhance Launcher Electronic System
What American President Just DIED?
President Carter?
Rear Outriggers First, Then Front Outriggers.
What is the Smoking/Open flame distance from the Equipment?
Define a CLASS I, II and, III leaks.
CLASS I: Seepage of fluids but not forming drops (MOISTER)
CLASS II: Drops forming but not Falling.
CLASS III: Drops are Dripping.
What does DLTM stand for?
Data Link Terminal Module
What is the most important Launcher & WHY?
"My/Your Own" Launcher. Because if it goes down the that's one less launcher in the Fight.
What is the purpose of a Pad Check?
Either to ensure the Outriggers are Firmly Secure on the Ground, or to ensure they swivel properly before stowing. TO PREVENT AN INCIDENT.
How many Fire extinguishers (and what weight) do you need for your PM&E Drill?
2 (10lbs) OR.......
1 (20lbs)
How many intervals do you perform during your Daily PMCS and what are they?
What does FOCA stand for?
Fiber Optic Cable Assembly.
How many Kids does Mr. Leal Have?
6 Kids
Name and Describe your (BLUE, BLACK, BALCK, RED) Cable Connections?
Blue: (Service Air Hose) to unlock and operate trailer breaks.
Black: (Slave Cable) to Operate outriggers and to Jumpstart other Vehicles/Generators.
Black: (Inter-vehicular cable (IVC)) to operate trailer lights.
RED: (Emergency Air Hose) to lock your breaks incase of Emergency.
Define: Warning, Danger, Caution and, their order of Severity.
Danger:(Damage to Equipment & Death to Personnel)
Warning:(Damaged to Equipment & Personnel)
Caution:(Damaged to Equipment)
What is the Purpose for a 2404?
A 2404 is the form utilized to annotate faults found on the Equipment while PMCSing.
What does MRT stand for?
Missile Round Trainer
Who is The best 14T in the history of 14Ts
"I AM"
How many total times are Grounds checked while performing March Order?
1: Floor 2: Launcher 3,4,5,6: Missile Cannisters
7,8,9,10: Both Generator Ends (twice)
11: Launcher (Stowed) 12: Antenna (Stowed)
Why must you take the Launcher Remote key(s) with you while the launcher is in Local?
To prevent it falling into the wrong hands and to prevent incidents.
What does NMC Stand for?
Not-Mission Capable
What does PAC stand for?
Patriot Advanced Capabilities.
Who is the best Soccer Player of All TIME?
MR. Leal.