Three Domains
The Four Kingdoms in Eukarya
How Organisms can be identified
Define Bacteria
Bacteria is made up of prokaryotes that usually have a cell wall and reproduce by cell division.

What are the three domains?
Bacteria, Archea, and Eukarya
What are the Four Kingdoms?
the Kingdom Protista, the Kingdom Plantae, the Kingdom Fungi, and the Kingdom Animalia
Whose two name system worked for scientists long ago, but the system does not represent what we know about living things? (Hint: page 62)
Where is bacteria found?
Bacteria is found in soil, water, and the human body. Also in anything in the environment
Define Fungi
Fungi is a kingdom that has to get energy by absorbing matierals. They have cells with cells walls but no chloroplasts.
What is the bacteria domain made up of?
Prokaryotes and usually have a cell wall and reproduce cell division.
Which kingdom consists of multicellular organisms and makes food through photosynthesis?
the Kingdom Plantae

What's a cladogram?
Shows relationship among species

Where can Archaea live?
Archaea can live in harsh environments, like hot springs, thermal vents, or in the ocean, and soil
Define Animalia
Animalia contains multicellular organisms that lack cell walls. They do not ha e chloroplasts like plants and algae, they get energy by consuming other other organisms.
What is the Archaea domain made up of?
Prokaryotes, but their different then bacteria in their genetics and in the makeup of their cell walls.
Can Fungi reproduce sexually, asexually, or both?
Both depending on their type
How can organisms be Identified
Dichotomous Key
What is in the domain of Archaea?
In the domain Archaea there are prokaryotes but the differ from bacteria in genetics and cell wall structure. Also they live in very harsh enviroments like hot springs.
Define Protista
Protista are single-celled or multicellular organisms such as algae and slime molds. Protists are very diverse, they are plant-like, animal-like, and fungus-like characteristics.
What is the domain Eukarya made up of?
Eukaryotes, they are more complex then the cell of prokaryotes.
What is another name for protists?
What is the dichotomous key?
A series of paired statements to identify organisms
What is the Animalia Kingdom? What species are in it?
The Animalia Kingdom contains multicellular organisms that lack cell walls. they do not have chloroplasts like plant and eat other organisms to get nutrients. They are heterotrophic.

What is a Domain?
A domain represents the largest differences among organisms. The three domains are Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. A domain is also a classification level scientists use.
What are the three domains? Explain each. (If you don't get the whole answer, won't take off points. 1000 points)
The three domains are Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. All bacteria belong to the domain of Bacteria. Bacteria is made up of prokaryotes that usually have a cell wall and reproduce by cell division. Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus and are single celled organism. Bactiria can live in almost any enviroment. Archaea is also made up of prokaryotes. Archaea live in harsh enviroments like hot springs and thermal vents.Though they are like Bacteria but differ in the genetic makeup and cell walls. Eukarya are eukaryotes. The eukaryote cells are normally larger than prokaryotes. Some eukaryotes are single celled like fungi. Many eukaryotes are multicellular organisms. The domain Eukarya is made up of Eukaryotes.
What are the four kingdoms and how are they classified?
The four kingdoms are Protista, Plantae, Fungi, Animalia. Member of the Protista, called protists, are single celled or multicellular organisms such as algae and slime molds. Plantae consists of multicellular organisms that have cell walls, mostly made of cellulose. Fungi get energy by absorbing materials. Animalia contains multicellular organisms that lack cell walls.
How do you use the dichotomous key?
You read each pair of statements, then you choose the statement that best describes the organisms or you'll be directed to another pair of statements, then by using the key you'll end up identifying the organism.

How do classification systems change over time?
Millions of organisms have been identified but many have not. Many of the new organisms fit into the existing system. But sometimes organisms don't fit. As scientists learn more about the organisms the classification continues to change.