When A security guard holds someone in custody for the purpose of turning them over to the legal authorities this is called
What is a citizen Arrest
I need a sender a receiver and feed back what am I
What is the communication process
What are your 3 primary functions
What is Detect, Deter, Report
Most of my phone calls are a hoax but you still should take me seriously
What is a bomb threat
When a security guard ask you for ID, to sign in or in any other way tries to verify you Identity, he's doing
What is Access control
Security officers can make an arrest if they witness what type of crime
What is a Felony
Accountability and liability are two reason i'm created
What Are reports
I have to do this anytime anything out of the ordinary happens
What is an incident report
Mail, Messenger, Disgruntle employees are all
What are possible methods of a bomb being delivered
Security must be Honest, Reliable and Professional, this is a part of what code
What is the Code of Ethics
If you commit this you can get from 16 days up to a year in prison
What is a misdemeanor
When writing a report this type of language should be left out
What is Slang or Jargon
It's better to be (BLANK) than Re-active
What is pro-active
It could be domestic or international, but ether way my purpose is to instill fear to accomplish my agender
What Is Terrorism
Where does security gets its powers of arrest from
What is the Bill of Rights
Penal law 35:30 gives you the right to use what
What is Physical force
The 3 methods of communication
What are Verbal, non-Verbal and Written
Security Guards are given what to defend themselves
What is nothing, That's why they must master the art of verbal persuasion
3 options during an active shooter event
What is
Clean me, press me, makesure I fit
What is the uniform
A security guard needs to know for a fact a felony was committed, a police office only needs
What is reasonable cause to beleive
There are 5 of me you should remember when writing a report
What are the 5 W's
Who, What, When, Where, why
Not being afraid to do the right thing is
What is moral courage
The 3 biggest threats to industries are
What is Sabotage, Espionage and terrorism
Criminal, Civil, and Civil rights are an example of
What are Types of lawsuits you may face for false arrest