Business Continuity/Business Impact Analysis

Activate the Business Continuity Plan

What is step 1 of the Emergency Recovery Process

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You should use the Internet in an effective, ethical and lawful manner. You may use the Instant Messaging Systems and Internet Forums primarily to conduct official company business or to gain technical or analytical advice. Databases may be accessed for information as needed.

What is the Internet Code of Conduct, Acceptable Use of the Internet.

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Laptop should not be powered off. 

What is when your laptop is brought home or to another location. This is to ensure all patches are received on your laptop.

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Loss of Staff due to illness, Loss of Technology (Website Application, Email, Network and Remote Access, Phones), Loss of office building functions (electricity, gas)

What are disaster events most likely to occur. (In order of impact.)

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App used only for internal informal communications and not for client-related communications that are subject to the firm's Record Retention policies and procedures.

What is Microsoft Teams.

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Drive, Humble Confidence, Do the Right Thing, Passion, Invested, Collaboration

What are MWM's Six Core Values.


A flow chart that describes who is responsible for calling who, in the event of an emergency and to keep in contact with staff.

What is the Staff Call Tree.


Do not make any reference to the company’s clients, partners or customers or reveal any confidential information related to them without advance permission from the CCO and without express written consent from clients.

What is one of the guidelines when using approved Social Media for business purposes.

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Information regarding improvements, processes, software, equipment, methods, trade secrets, research, client data and information or cost or purchases of Client’s products or services.

What is Confidential Business Information

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An Assessment Table reporting:

Asset or Operation at Risk, Hazard, Scenario, Opportunities for Prevention or Mitigation, Probability, Impacts with Existing Mitigation, Overall Hazard Rating

What is the Business Impact Risk Assessment Table.


The only person who can speak with the press without prior approval from the President.

The President - Chris Vernier

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What is the website for the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)'s Office of the Whistleblower. Complaints may be submitted directly through this site. While MWM encourages employees to report suspected violations of securities law directly to their supervisor and or the COO, nothing contained in the MWM's Whistleblower policy should be interpreted to prevent employees from reporting such violations directly to the SEC.


Client Communication Management System: 12 Hours

What is the tolerable outage for MWM's CRM.

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Use device’s native enhanced authentication capabilities, such as fingerprint, facial recognition or a six-digit PIN code to lock/unlock devices.

What is one of the guidelines for use of personal wireless communication.

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No confidential information should be visible when the office is closed. Confidential and personally identifiable information should be locked in drawers when the office is closed.

What is the Clean-desk Policy.

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