Things teachers are tired of hearing right now
Things we didn't sign up for
Things I don't miss from teaching in person
The DPS 5
The joy of the Zoom

This is something impossible to do as an educator during COVID19.

What is self care!


This practice prevents us from developing relationships with our colleagues.

What is meeting virtually with my peers for every interaction?


This something that can cause UTI's.

What is having to meticulously plan bathroom breaks?


This is how we are supposed to meet together and is devoid of any social interaction.

What is meet virtually?


This happens daily on the Zoom call.

What is please mute yourself? 

Better yet, please unmute yourself.


This is a word meant to signal another transition and it happens frequently.

What is pivot?


This is a funny practice of trying to get a temperature on a forehead in the freezing cold.

What is doing health screens every morning in Colorado winters?


This involves time back and forth.

What is time commuting back and forth from school.


This is something that causes itchy faces and sore ears by the end of the day.

Wear a mask!


This is a random phrase commonly heard from students in the middle of instruction.

Would you like to see my cat/dog/stuffy?


This is a word that means live teaching.

What is synchronous?


This practice requires endless hours to figure out how to put a lesson online in a way that kids can answer. 

Spending three hours entering one lesson into the learning platform- Seesaw.


This is something that has to do with clothing.

What is stressing about what I am going to wear?

This is something that many of us forget to do each day.

Complete your health screening.


This involves the the practice of trying to teach without seeing the student.

What is the difficulty of no cameras on in class?


This is a common phrase we hear from others when they begin to set another expectation for staff.

What is "these are unprecedented times?"


How did we become the most essential employees in the country overnight?

What is becoming the people who hold up the entire economy of the country by caring for kids?


This involves one of our sensory systems.

What is the constant noise?


This is difficult to do, particularly when actually in a classroom teaching with young kids.

Maintain physical distance!


This involves overload on the prefrontal cortex.

What is sharing your screen while monitoring the chat, facilitating the meeting, answering questions and monitoring the waiting room? ALL AT THE SAME TIME! 


What are the safest places in the world right now?

Schools are the safest place to be as long as we follow the DPS 5!


This is a juggling act of mass proportion.

What is teaching in person while live streaming AT THE SAME TIME!


This involves classroom management.

What is spending more time managing behavioral expectations than actually teaching?


Picky your nose is a non-example of this DPS 5 practice.

Practice good hygiene.


This involves sounding like a broken record with kids during a call.

What is a student yelling out loud... Jessica, what are we supposed to be doing right now? This is after clearly stating the directions five to six times.

TIP- Don't ask the teacher to repeat instructions that have already been posted somewhere or emailed to you.
