Academic Integrity Resources
Academic Offence Process
Academic Misconduct 1
Academic Misconduct 2
The Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters

What policy governs academic integrity at the University of Toronto?

The Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters


List the order of the 3 levels to the academic offence process.

1. The Departmental level

2. The Decanal/Divisional level

3. The Tribunal level


What is Downtown Legal Services (DLS) and how can they help students in the academic integrity process?

DLS is the Faculty of Law’s community legal clinic. DLS provides free legal counsel to UofT students. DLS can accompany you through the academic integrity process and are especially helpful should your case be forwarded to the Tribunal level for resolution.


Name two examples of unauthorized assistance/aids. 

Using aids not permitted during a test or exam (e.g. cheat notes, calculators, cell phones, smart watches)

Talking to a friend during an individual test/exam

Using social media or group chats during active assessments (e.g. WeChat, Discord, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)

Obtaining test answers from someone

Using "tutoring" websites like Chegg


Name 3 conditions that must be satisfied in order for a Department Chair/Director to resolve an academic offence.

1. The assignment must be worth 10% or less

2. The student must make an admission of guilt.

3. The student must not have committed any previous academic offences. 


What resources are available on campus for students to learn about more academic integrity? Name two. 

The Academic Integrity Unit (AIU)

The Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre (RGASC)

Your course instructor/TA



If you are suspected of an academic offense, can your instructor give you a zero in the course? Why or why not? 

No, your instructor cannot impose a sanction. Only the department Chair/Director, Vice Dean, or the Tribunal can impose a sanction.  


What is academic misconduct?

“Any behaviour, intentional or otherwise, that gives a student an unearned or unfair advantage over other students” ("Academic Integrity", 2020)


What is impersonation? Give an example. 

According to section B.I.1.(c) of the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, it is an offence to "to personate another person, or to have another person personate, at any academic examination or term test or in connection with any other form of academic work."

Examples include taking a test for a friend or having a friend take a test for you, signing a friend into a tutorial, using a friends clicker for participating marks.


If a student is suspected of committing an academic offence on an assignment worth less than 10%, but they do not admit guilt, who will handle the case? 

If a student does not admit guilt, the department will have to refer the case to the Office of the Dean for resolution. 


Where can you learn about academic integrity expectations in your course?

Your course instructor/TA

The course syllabus

Academic integrity modules on Quercus.

Test/exam instructions


Are mitigating circumstances around the academic offence taken into account?

Yes. Students have the opportunity to explain their situation and these circumstances may be taken into consideration when sanctions are recommended. 


What are the typical sanctions imposed at the Divisional level for a 1st offence?

A mark of zero on the assignment in question;

A further reduction from the final grade; and

An annotation on the transcript (for a specified period of time, up to 5 years).


What is forgery? Give an example. 

According to section B.I.1.(a) of the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, it is an academic offence to "forge or in any other way alter or falsify any document or evidence required by the University, or to utter, circulate or make use of any such forged, altered or falsified document, whether the record be in print or electronic form."

Examples include altering the date on a medical note, forging a signature on a document, circulating altered transcripts or academic records.


If a student is found guilty of committing an academic offense, can they lose privileges to use any facility of the University?

Yes, as per the Code of Behaviour, if a student admits to the commission of an alleged offence the Dean can impose the following sanction: "denial of privileges to use any facility of the University, including library and computer facilities".


Academic integrity matters can often be stressful for students, what mental health supports does UTM offer to students? Name two.

Health & Counselling Centre 

My Student Support Program (MySSP) - 24/7 support in multiple languages, the resources page on our website


Contact the AIU to connect you with appropriate supports


Who can you bring with you to a meeting with the Dean or the Dean's designate?

Students are entitled to seek advice and/or be accompanied by counsel at the meeting. Students can bring a legal representative from Downtown Legal Services (DLS) or be accompanied by UTMSU's Academic Advocacy Coordinator or a family member for support. 


What are the typical sanctions imposed at the Divisional level for a 2nd offence?

A final grade of zero in the course;

A 12-month suspension from attending the University of Toronto; and

An annotation on your academic transcript (for a specified period of time, up to 5 years).


What are the two most common types of academic misconduct at UTM?

1. Unauthorized aid/assistance

2. Plagiarism


Can student's who have already graduated from UofT be charged with an academic offence?

"A graduate of the University may be charged with any of the above offences committed knowingly while he or she was an active student, when, in the opinion of the Provost, the offence, if detected, would have resulted in a sanction sufficiently severe that the degree would not have been granted at the time that it was."


What are the 6 fundamental values of academic integrity?

Honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage.


While a student is being investigated for an allegation of academic misconduct, a GWR will be placed on their record. Name two ways they will be impacted.

1. Unable to graduate until GWR is removed, regardless of credits completed

2. Cannot withdraw from course, will be reinstated if attempted

3. CR/NCR designation will be revoked if a sanction is imposed


A student submits an assignment in their current course, which they had previously submitted for credit in a different course, without asking the current instructor for permission. Is this an academic offence? Why or why not?

Yes, this is an academic offence under section B.I.1.(e) of the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. Students are not permitted to resubmit work for which credit has previously been obtained, without the instructor's permission.


A student has their cell phone in their back pocket while writing their exam. The student does not use this phone during the exam. Is the student committing an academic offence? Why or why not?

A cell phone is considered an unauthorized aid, regardless of whether or not the student used it. 


How long can a sanction be recorded on a student's academic transcript?

"The dean shall have the power to record any sanction imposed on the student's academic record and transcript for such length of time as he or she considers appropriate. However, the sanctions of suspension or a notation specifying academic misconduct as the reason for a grade of zero for a course shall normally be recorded for a period of five years."
