I was the first man to step foot on the Moon.
Neil Armstrong
A monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree. Who will get the banana first?
None of them—coconut trees don’t produce bananas!
Be strong and _________. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
What is the biggest continent in the world?
I wrote the Book of Galatians
Apostle Paul
Grandpa went out for a walk and it started to rain. He didn’t bring an umbrella or a hat. His clothes got soaked, but not a hair on his head was wet. How is this possible?
Be _____ and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the _______, I will be exalted in the earth!
1) Still 2) Nations
What is the largest organ in the human body?
Azizul Hasni Awang
What is the one thing everyone can agree is between heaven and earth?
The word “and.”
But I say to you, ___ ___ _______, bless those who curse you, do good to those who ____ ___, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you
1) Love your enemies 2) hate you
What year was Mcdonalds first established in Malaysia?
Men in Black
I am the No. 1 Female Artist in the World (Billboard)
Taylor Swift
Ben (a married person) is looking at Teresa, and Teresa is looking at Greg (an unmarried person). Is a married person looking at an unmarried person?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Not enough information
NO 1 IS CORRECT! because even if Teresa is married or unmarried, No. 1 is still true.
God is our refuge and strength, an ___-_____ ___ in trouble.
ever-present help
Snails can sleep up to 3 years
Baby Driver
Who invented the first Airplane?
The Wright Brothers.
You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?
All of them were married.
1) Knowledge 2) Understanding
Now You See Me