Who was the 44th president of the United States?
Barack Obama
Other than the Master Chief, who else is described as a "Hyper-lethal vector"?
Noble Six
What is Eren Yeagar's Titan form called?
The Attack Titan
What is Commander Data from Star Trek?
An Android
Who won the Seminole Wars?
The United States of America
What is the first level of Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)?
Green Hill Zone
Who was Ash's third Pokemon?
Pidgeotto (Pidgeot)
Who gave the order to blow up Alderaan in Star Wars?
Grand Moff Tarkin
Which Tsar of Russia emancipated the serfs?
Alexander II
What faction from the Fallout franchise goes by the initialism of NCR?
New California Republic
In Nichijou, what animal does the Principal fight?
A Deer
The Drones
What year did the Byzantine Empire fall?
The following quote, "We are all pawns, controlled by something greater: Memes" is said by which character from the Metal Gear franchise?
In One-Punch Man, what is the name of the city which is home to the Hero Association?
In Mass Effect 2, which species introduced can biologically adapt to almost any environment?
The Vorcha
Which European colonial empire annexed the island of Taiwan in the 17th century?
The Dutch Republic
In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, what was the name of the power that Dio Brando shoots from his eyes?
Space Ripper Stingy Eyes
In Warhammer 40k, who is the smallest (in terms of territory) major faction?
The T'au Empire