Name Two roles the Holy Ghost plays.
Comforter, Protector, Companion, Ect.
What do you Receive when you are baptized?
The Gift Of the Holy Ghost.
What did Jonah's family say after hearing how he got swallowed by the whale?
Mmmm sounds kinda fishy
How many bones does a shark have?
John 14:26
The Comforter
At what age do you receive the Gift Of The Holy Ghost?
What did the pirates call Noah's boat?
An Arrrrrrrk
Where was Hawaiian Pizza invented?
2 Nephi 31:18
A Witness
Does the Holy Ghost have a shape?
He has a form, shape, and occupies space.
Who was the most successful doctor?
Job, because he had the most patients (patience)
If the sun exploded, how long would it take for us to know?
Eight full days!
How does knowing the roles of the Holy Ghost Help you in your Life?
Is the Holy Ghost a son of God?
Yes, he is a Sprit son of Heavenly Father.
What does the sun drink from?
What is Olivers middle Name?
Tell Us about the time a time the Holy Ghost has use he's roles to help you or someone you know.
How does Moses describe the Holy Ghost during the day and during the night?
Day: pillar of a cloud
Night: pillar of fire.
What kind of flower roars?
The Dandelion
What creature is known as the "sea cow"?
The Manatee!