
Q&A Which form of vehicle is more popular in your country, bikes, cars or motorcycles?  (45s)

Well, given the traffic of most cities in China, cycling is still the most popular mode of transportation. It’s true that a lot more Chinese families can afford cars, but driving a private car can be a pain in the neck because of things like parking, insurance and the risk of accidents. But if you ride, you won’t have most of those concerns, so most people still prefer using bikes to go somewhere if it’s not too far. Plus, bike sharing has swept across China, which means it’s easy and dirt-cheap to rent a bike for a trip.


Q&A Will many people’s work be done by robots in the future?

This is up to your imagination. If you ask me, I believe robots will become similar to humans. They will walk among us and help us do many different tasks in our daily life. Perhaps, every family will have an assistant robot who will clean, carry heavy things in and out, throw out the trash and even help you scrub your back in the shower. We will be peaceful and helpful co-existence with machines.


Q& A Do you like to see the stars at night?

Absolutely! I find it romantic seeing stars lighting up the sky, especially when the moon is reflected on the river or lake while hearing the noise of crickets. That’s what I always feel in my hometown during a full moon. How I wish I could experience that here in this city.And It reminds me of the simple pleasure of life and allow me to escape from the hustle and bustle.


Q&A Did you learn something about wild animals at school?

Not so much, but, yes we did have classes of biology, and in those classes, we learned about animals and how they relate to humans and human evolution and animal biology and things like this. Our school also organized some field trip to the zoo to create opportunity for us to have access to information about animals beyond the textbook.  I enjoyed these kind of lessons to be honest.


Q & A Do you think it is important to save money? Why?

Yes, I think it is crucial as we can never be certain about the future. The recent epidemic has made it even more clear that how uncertain life is. Many people died because they couldn’t afford the costly healthcare. Also, if people didn’t have savings, it would have been impossible to tide over these difficult times.


1. 突然想起 2.不适合我的尺码 3.实体店 4.我穿起来好看

1.Come cross my mind 2.Not fit my size 3.brick-and-mortar shops /physical store 4.look good on me


1.有声书籍 2.降噪耳机 3.阻挡我们的听感 4.缠住的线

1.audio books 2.Noise-cancelling headphones 3.Block out our hearing senses 4.Entangling wires


1.海滨度假地 2.中暑 3.拥有精湛的园艺技能 4.康乃馨

1.Sea resorts 2.Get heat strokes 3.Have a green thumb 4.carnations


 1.吓人的 2.起鸡皮疙瘩 3.深情的,充满柔情的 4.温顺的

1.Frightening 2.Get goosebumps 3.Affectionate 4.docile/ not aggressive/meek


1.假装微笑 2.真实的微笑 3.和蔼可亲的 4.有女人味的

1.Fake a smile 2.Genuine smile 3.Amiable 4.feminine



Since most children don’t need to bear the burden of making a living during their childhood and adolescence, they tend to enjoy a carefree life and smile endlessly.



In the near future, robots will be used to replace the heaviest and most dangerous jobs that people do. Factories will completely automate.



Of course! In our country, sending flowers to our parents, lovers, and teachers is part of our culture. So every year, we make an effort to buy a bouquet of flowers and give them to people who are near and dear to us.



My pet and I were best friends, actually. I remember taking him to the park, feeding him with milk and training him with many cool tricks. Sadly, when I got older, I discovered that I am allergic to dog fur, so I had to give him away.



Most old people in my country are technology illiterate, which means they can’t even use a normal cell phone, not to mention complicated mobile apps.




1. Shoes are also considered as a “symbol” of some “status” in our society, and that’s also one of the reasons that I like them sometimes.\

2.It is worth taking risks and stepping out of our comfort zone to truly experience what life has to offer when our legs can still carry us rather than to regret in our later life.




1. I also don’t use phones when I am with friends and family. I think it’s rude to use them while interacting with people, and I should be paying full attention to them.

2.The vacuum cleaner has different attachments for different purposes. It has a very nice attachment, which goes under the bed also. It is very useful for removing spider webs from the walls and ceiling.



2. 在过去几十年中,地震、海啸和飓风等自然灾害已成为日常事务。

1. The beauty of the sky should be appreciated as it’s one of the best gifts of nature that people can enjoy. Honestly, I feel sorry for some people who are stuck at home playing mobile or computer games and don’t make any effort to pause and enjoy the magnificent beauty of the sky.

2. Natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, and cyclones have become a daily affair in the past few decades.




1.We have classes of biology, and in those classes, we learned about animals and how they relate to humans and human evolution and animal biology and things like this.

2.Rewards can encourage a child’s good behaviors. Parents respond right after their child’s behaviors make the behavior more or less likely to happen again.




1. I think it is crucial as we can never be certain about the future. The recent epidemic has made it even more clear that how uncertain life is. Many people died because they couldn’t afford the costly healthcare.

2.These days women are on par with men concerning participation in adventurous sports.


1.杰出的弹跳能力 2.扣篮 3.对手 4.久坐的 5.上气不接下气6.有助于提升身体耐力和头脑伶俐 7.提升免疫力 8.打破生活的单调 9.增加刺激感 10.提高思维速度

1. Exceptional leaping ability 2.Performing slam dunks 3.Opponents 4.sedentary 5.Out of my breath 6.builds good physical stamina and mental agility 7.helps boost your immunity 8.break the monotony of their lives 9.add thrill or excitement 10.Improve mental speed


1.机械解密 2.魔方 3. 精通某事 4.提升认知和视觉空间推理能力 5.更重视细节 6.扩大词汇量和拼写技巧 7.刷抖音 8.对用户友好的界面 9.虚拟社区 10.人工智能软件

1.Mechanical puzzles 2. Rubic Cube 3.get versed with sth 4.improve cognition and visual-spatial reasoning 5.pay greater attention to detail 6.expand your vocabulary and spelling skills 7.Scroll through TikTok/ go on TikTok binge 8.User friendly layout 9.Solid virtual community 10.AI based apps


1.辨认星座 2.听蟋蟀的叫声 3.室外露台 4.慵懒的气氛 5.壮丽的景色 6.晶莹清澈的海水 7.在喧嚣纷繁中安抚人们的心灵 8. 让我们想起生活中简单的快乐 9.神圣的莲花 10.精致的,精巧的

1.Make out constellation 2.hearing the noise of crickets 3.outdoor terraces 4.laid-back atmosphere 5.spectacular scenery 6.crystal clear sea 7.soothes people's mind from the hustle and bustle 8.reminds us of the simple pleasure in life 9.Sacred lotus 10.Delicate 


1.野生动物纪录片 2.很难驯化 3.本性凶残 4.有毒的 5.绅士风度 6.忠诚而有趣的 7.对狗毛过敏 8.治愈的且增长见闻的9.可持续发展的措施 10.垃圾焚烧

1.wildlife documentaries 2.hard to tame 3.fierce nature 4.poisonous/venomous 5.gentleman’s demeanor 6.Loyal and playful 7.Be allergic to dog fur 8.soothing and informative 9.Sustainable practice 10.landfill


1.跨出你的舒适圈 2.落后于你的原定计划 3.捕捉大自然的美 4.休闲的骑自行车 5.感觉很爽/惬意(习语)6.壮举 7. 重新考虑 8.直播 9.九年义务教育 10 冲动消费

1.step out of your comfort zone 2.get lagged behind your schedule 3.capture the beauty of nature 4.recreational cycling 5.feel like a million bucks 6.grand feat 7.have second thoughts 8.live stream 9.Nine-year compulsory education 10.an impulse purchase
