"Que nadie diga durante una prueba: “Dios me está probando”. Porque, con cosas malas, nadie puede probar a Dios ni él prueba a nadie."
Santiago 1:13
"I died once but was resurrected, I died again and am now waiting for my resurrection. If only he was there the first time then I wouldn't have died. Who am I?"
"A tu lado, mis sueños se harán realidad.
Lo que siento por ti..."
"...es amor,
amor de verdad.
Es de verdad."
In this film, we see a family who little by little start to drift away because of materialistic desires! However the good example of a faithful servant of Jehovah was enough to push them back onto the road of eternal life!
Acuérdense de la esposa de Lot
This person is a big fan of Kawhi Leonard
(Jafet can not answer this question nor help his team)
Toni Ramirez
"Solo un poco más, y los malvados ya no existirán; mirarás adonde estaban, y ya no estarán allí."
Salmos 37:10
A very spiritual prophet who had 100% trust in Jehovah, in one occasion he was out numbered by a army of soldiers and while his attendant was panicking he prayed and asked Jehovah to open his eyes so he can see...
Who Am I?
In this film we see many examples of how Jehovah completes his word without a shadow of a doubt!
Ni una sola palabra ha fallado!
"Hasta los leones jóvenes y fuertes han pasado hambre, pero a los que buscan a Jehová no les faltará nada bueno."
Salmos 34:10
I was very proud of the work that the brothers in Thessalonian's were doing even through their harsh difficulties. They suffered through persecution and very difficult times but they always worked hard for Jehovah!
Who Am I?
El Apostol Pablo
In this film we see a young man of the past adapting to a ne style of life. We see him face temptation and tribulation but his faith in Jehovah God always saves him.
Daniel, un hombre de fe
"Cualquier cosa que ustedes hagan, háganla con toda el alma como si fuera para Jehová y no para los hombres"
Colosenses 3:23
In this film we see the life of a young athletic brother who loves the spiritual things and loves to run track and field. Our brother is in a crisis because he doesn't know what to do in the future! Will it be preaching the lord's word? Or running as an Olympiad?
He also meets a division 1 swimmer who is now a very humble and spiritual man.
Los jóvenes preguntan, Qué hare con mi vida?
This person really dislikes Belts and is also the middle child of the family. Who is this?
"16 Hay seis cosas que Jehová odia; sí, hay siete cosas que él detesta: 17 ojos orgullosos, una lengua mentirosa y manos que derraman sangre inocente, 18 un corazón que trama planes perversos y pies que van corriendo a la maldad, 19 un testigo falso que miente cada vez que abre la boca y todo el que siembra la discordia entre hermanos."
Proverbios 6:16-19
"My likeness(semejanza) was compared and was at one point on par with that of Jesus Christ, stated by Jehovah God. Who am I?"
For Future Toni: Give whoever gets this right extra 50 cause I felt nice while typing this
Short film of the power that Jesus had while he was on earth. He feels empathy for an old man and cures him of his blindness.
"Los pobres" heredaran el Reino