During Fidel Castro's reign, Ana Mendieta was moved to America via this governmental program.
What is the Pedro Pan Operation?
Many early American environmentalist writers wrote from this perspective.
What is a solitary perspective?
Ana Mendieta served in this occupation in Cuba.
What is a tour guide
Rebecca Belmore is a part of this First Nation.
What is Lac Seul First Nation?
Alma Thomas taught at this high school for 35 years.
What is Shaw Junior High School?
The Kanesatake Resistance took place for this length of time.
What is 78 days?
In Feathers on Woman (1972), Ana Mendieta transformed into this Mesoamerican feathered serpent.
What is a Quetzalcoatl?
This author published Whole Earth Catalog (1968)
Who is Steward Brand?