You can go to this person to talk about your feelings one on one.
A sponsor or mentor, AA meetings, counselor or therapist, religious community, family members, others in recovery.
Recovery Support System
Therapist, prescriber/psychiatrist, counselor, PRP are all part of my....
Treatment Team
Stress disorder AFTER a traumatic event is ________.
What does HALT stand for?
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired
Name 3 examples of a relapse prevention plan.
Healthy coping skills, recovery support system, identifying triggers and warning signs, healthy goals, healthy recreational activities...etc.
People, Places, Things that cause people to have thoughts associated with substance abuse...
Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, and Maintinence are all part of the....
Stages of Change
What Level of Care are you currently enrolled in?
The unpleasant physical reaction that accompanies the process of ceasing to take an addictive drug is called...
A process that begins when you start slipping back into old behavior patterns.
What are two kinds of motivation?
Internal and External
This occurs when someone requires more of the substance to get the same effect and/or the same amount of the substance has a reduced effect.
Catastrophizing, Overgeneralization, Personalization, Mind Reading, Mental Filtering are some examples of...
Cognitive Distortions
What are the two substances you can die from withdrawal of?
Benzodiazepines and Alcohol