You receive an email from the bank telling you that there is an issue with your account and to email them back with your information. What should you do?
Delete the email and report it. It is most likely a scam email. If you need to update your information, go to the website yourself and change the password or update it there. Do not click any links or download any attachments.
Bit stands for Binary Digit and is the most basic unit of information in computing and digital communications.
What does PII stand for and what are examples of it?
Birthdate, Name, Address, Etc.
Who tries to break into networks?
When you log into a site, you must input a password and confirm your identity with another device. What is it called?
Two-Factor Authentication/Multi-Factor Authentication
What are the three most popular Operating Systems?
Windows, Linux, and macOS.
What does HTML stand for?
Hyper Text Markup Language. It's the language websites are written in.
What is the internet?
The worldwide network that connects the world's computers.
What is the language that computers read to carry out instructions?
Why are Cyber Vulnerabilities unlikely to ever go away?
A. The government won't allow people to fix them
B. Criminals need them to steal identities
C. They are side effects of the freedom and ease of communicating online
D. They're protected in a secret base on the moon
Name four different programming languages.
Python, Java, JavaScript, SQL, C++, C, R, etc. (Not HTML or CSS)
What does CVE stand for?
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure: a list of publicly disclosed computer security flaws.
What is Wifi?
What locks your computer, holds it hostage, and threatens to damage or delete files unless you give up something?
What is "the art of keeping information secure by transforming it?"
What are the main components of a computer system?
What is CIA?
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability
What is the difference between a router, a switch, and a hub?
Router: Connects Networks
Switch: Connect devices inside a network
Hub: Connect devices inside a network and broadcast each message out
What does Defense in Depth mean?
It means there are many layers of security within one another.
Vishing: Voice - Phone, robocall, voicemail, voice over internet protocol (VoIP)
Smishing: SMS - Text message
Phishing: Email
What was the very first type of computer?
A Calculator
What does SSH stand for
Secure Socket Shell or Secure SHell
What are LANs, WANs, MANs, SANs, PANs, VLANs, and WLANs?
Local Area Network, Wide Area Network, Storage Area Network, Personal Area Network, Virtual Local Area Network, and Wireless Local Area Network
What is the difference between authentication and authorization?
Authentication: the act of validating that users are whom they claim to be.
Authorization: the process of giving the user permission to access a specific resource or function