Main Idea
Drawing Conclusions

How are these alike? sand paper, concrete, tree bark

all rough 



Before Jane could turn around, her two sons had eaten all of the delectable cookies because of how perfect they were.

delicious, delightful


Trevor's mom wanted to buy him three pairs of pants.  He picked out three pairs that each cost $20.  After mom looked in her wallet, she asked Trevor to put one of them back.  Why?

she didn't have enough money


While erupting volcanoes are beautiful to watch, they can disrupt air travel. For example, a 2001 eruption of Mount Etna sprayed ash high into the atmosphere and closed nearby airports. The grainy ash covered the land and made runways dangerous. The wind also carried the ash and made it difficult to avoid in the air.

Volcanic eruptions can make air travel difficult/dangerous


I am a place with different types of food, stores  and clothing in one building.

What am I?

a mall

double How are these alike? plus sign, subtraction sign, percentage sign ( +, -, %)

signs used in math 


The eerie sounds seemed to come from the graveyard after midnight.

fearful, scary, weird


Emilio took the cap off his head, dropped the baseball bat, and rested his elbows on the fence. It wasn't that he couldn't find the ball. It was sitting right in the middle of the lawn, just beyond the fence. The fence was not very high either. Emilio could probably get a running start, grab the top of the fence, and flip right over it. But there was a dog, a large Rottweiler with a spiked collar. He sat under an awning a few feet away from the ball. He looked at Emilio and let out a menacing growl. Archie, Scotty, and Dutch ran up to Emilio and surveyed the situation. Archie was the first to speak, "So, are you going to do it, Emilio?

Why doesn't Emilio want to get his ball?

because there is a mean dog in the lawn


In 2011, 16 big food companies promised to make their food healthier. They made this promise to help decrease childhood obesity. The companies said they would make their food healthier by lowering the number of calories in it. A study showed that after the companies kept their promise, people started buying healthier, lower-calorie food.

Big food companies made their food healthier to decrease obesity 


The campers sat around the campfire, laughing and having a good time when a strange noise came from the woods. The campers suddenly became silent and very still, listening to the rustling in the bushes. They had heard that bears were known to live in this area, and they started to panic. Just then, the creature appeared from the bushes. It was hardly a bear. In fact, with it's masked face, twitching nose, and long striped tail, it couldn't have scared anyone. 

What animal visited the campsite?

a raccoon 


How are these alike? antibiotics, tissue, thermometer 

things you need when you're sick


Pets are dependent on their owners to feed them and take them on walks 

someone or something who relies on someone else for support


Dark green vegetables have strong antioxidants that help fight some kinds of cancer. Lily tries to protect herself against disease with food. What foods might Lily eat?

broccoli, kale, asparagus, spinach, peppers etc.


The Great Lakes are five freshwater lakes in North America. They formed thousands of years ago as glaciers melted. The Great Lakes contain most of the fresh water in North America. They are also important shipping routes, fishing sites, and sources of drinking water. Because of this, it is very important to keep the lakes clean.

The Great Lakes are important and should be taken care of


He gave the speech in front of a rowdy crowd. Flags were perched down the street as far as the eye could see as he stood at the podium and told the people just how he could change their lives and make their country a better place. Several months later, he would be sworn into the office while all those who voted for him watched. 

Who is this person giving the speech?

the president


Pop, Country, Rock- how are they related?

all music genres 


I loathe doing my laundry, I would rather do anything else 



DOUBLE Abby wasn't wearing her glasses today, but she sees as well as she did while she wore glasses. How is this possible?

she is wearing contacts 


My dog is called Buttons. When I say “Hands”, he will give me one of his front paws. He can even walk on two legs when I tell him to. It only took me three days to teach him these tricks. I don’t think other dogs can learn as quickly as Buttons. He is the best.

 Buttons learns tricks quickly 


I just can't figure them out, and sometimes I get so frustrated. For example, the other day I tried to save a paper, but when I came back an hour later, someone threw it out! I don't like emailing either -- what ever happened to regular old hand written letters? Not to mention, there's so much vocabulary to know! Hard drives and web surfing and browser settings, PDFs it's all just too confusing!

What is this person complaining about?



bloom, blossom, sprout

to do with flowers/ growing


The two adults had different political views and caused a feud, and someone had to break it up

a fight


Nikki remembered it  was a federal holiday as soon as she arrived at school? What happened?

no one was at school because it was closed


Farming allowed Native American people to grow more food. However, they had to stay in one place to tend their gardens. As a result, people began living in larger, permanent villages. Populations grew and developed more complicated governments. Because they lived in large groups, people could also develop more specific skills.

Farming helped/effected Native Americans in many different ways


Jon is a very small boy who is in the highschool band. He loves being in the band but he has a problem. Everytime he wants to bring his instrument home to practice he needs help to carry it. What kind of instrument might Jon play?

a heavy one- trombone, viola, cello, 
