Freud’s psychodynamic theory of dreaming emphasizes_____. a. dreams as sensations, motor commands, and memories that are synthesized by the cortex of the brain b. dreams as internal psychic abilities that provide insight into the future c. dreams as internal conflicts and unconscious forces that are based on wish fulfillment d. dreams as a form of hypnosis
c. dreams as internal conflicts and unconscious forces that are based on wish fulfillment
Psychologists who study human thinking and information processing abilities are referred to as ______. a. clinical psychologists b. educational psychologists c. cognitive psychologists d. developmental psychologists
c. cognitive psychologists
The bulk of people’s dreams occurs during ___. a. REM sleep b. NREM sleep c. stage 4, deep sleep d. stage 2, light sleep
a. REM sleep
Psychology’s history as a science began_____. a. in Austria, when Sigmund Freud published his studies on psychoanalysis in 1895. b. in America, when William James published the book, Principles of Psychology in 1890. c. in Germany, when Wilhelm Wundt set up the first psychological laboratory in 1879. d. in Russia, when Ivan Pavlov published his research on conditioning in 1906.
c. in Germany, when Wilhelm Wundt set up the first psychological laboratory in 1879.
The stage during which sensory input and motor responses become coordinated is labeled as Piaget’s ________stage of cognitive development. a. Sensorimotor Stage b. Preoperational Stage c. Concrete Operational Stage d. Formal Operations Stage
a. Sensorimotor Stage
Thinking involves the manipulation of three basic forms of thought, which are a. images, concepts, and language. b. language, memory, and vestibular sensations. c. scripts, schemes, and synesthesia. d. pictures, sounds, and illusions.
a. images, concepts, and language.
Empirical evidence is collected by______. a. making inferences b. gathering qualitative and quantitative data through direct observation c. interviewing experts in the field d. conducting controlled laboratory experiments
b. gathering qualitative and quantitative data through direct observation
In life-span developmental theories, adolescents struggle with conflicts involving ___. a. the need to form a consistent identity b. the ability to trust the primary caregivers in their lives c. the development of intimate relationships d. the ability to look back at life with a sense of integrity
a. the need to form a consistent identity
Regarding aspects of cognition, which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Daydreaming is a form of thinking. b. Planning allows us to try out various options and avoid making many mistakes. c. Thinking is limited to humans. d. Unlike other species, the success of humans owes more to intelligence and thinking abilities than it does to physical strength or speed.
c. Thinking is limited to humans.
When looking at human motives, the following theorist developed a hierarchy of five needs that range from basic physiological needs to growth or meta-needs: a. Abraham Maslow b. Sigmund Freud c. Carl Jung d. Alfred Adler
a. Abraham Maslow
Jeffrey often says that spiced chicken tastes “pointy,” that pain is the color orange, and that hearing human voices unleashes a flood of colors and tastes. Jeffrey is experiencing a rare form of imagery known as a. sensory overload. b. sane hallucinations. c. eidetic imagery. d. synesthesia.
d. synesthesia.
The term “cognition” includes a. thinking, problem solving, reasoning, and daydreaming. b. classical and instrumental conditioning. c. eidetic imagery and processing. d. an active process by which sensory input is selected, organized, and integrated.
a. thinking, problem solving, reasoning, and daydreaming.
In Freud’s view of the structure of personality, the mental structure that acts as one’s conscience and judges thoughts and actions is known as the_____. a. id b. ego c. superego d. libido
c. superego
The typical behaviors consistent with being male or female in a given culture are referred to as a. social roles b. sexual characteristics c. identity traits d. gender roles
d. gender roles
The process by which experience or practice results in a relatively permanent change in behavior is known as_____. a. cognition b. learning c. imprinting d. intelligence formation
b. learning
Oversimplified images of traits of individuals who belong to a particular social group are a. unifying traits b. false perception c. roles d. social stereotypes
d. social stereotypes
The correct order for the three stages of memory is_____. a. short-term memory, long-term memory, retrieval b. working memory, sensory register memory, long-term memory c. sensory register memory, short-term memory, long-term memory d. short-term memory, sensory register memory, long-term memory
c. sensory register memory, short-term memory, long-term memory
Psychology is_____. a. common-sense reasoning b. the scientific study of mental processes and behavior c. the investigation of diverse people d. the study of the human mind
b. the scientific study of mental processes and behavior
Generalized ideas that represent categories of objects or events are called a. morphemes. b. images. c. engrams. d. concepts.
d. concepts.
A harmful attitude based on inaccurate generalizations about a group of people is known as _____. a. discrimination b. sexism c. prejudice d. ethnocentrism
c. prejudice
Operant conditioning operates on the principle that behaviors occur more often when they are_____. a. reinforced b. punished c. modeled d. ignored
a. reinforced
In the United States and Canada, psychological problems are classified by using the___. a. Physician’s Desk Reference b. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) c. Psychiatrist’s Desk Reference d. Manual of Abnormal Behavior
b. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR)
The field of psychology that uses behavioral principles to promote health and prevent illness is referred to as_____. a. Psychoanalytic psychology b. Health psychology c. Gestalt psychology d. Humanistic psychology
b. Health psychology
The scientific study of how individuals behave, think and feel in social situations is known as_____. a. social psychology b. cultural psychology c. behavioral psychology d. group psychology
a. social psychology
The scientific study of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders is known as ________. a. biopsychology b. sociology c. psychopathology d. anthropology
c. psychopathology