Understanding your emotions
Understanding both you and others emotions
Understanding others emotions

What is one way to get your emotions out of your head to release stress?



Your mom has refused to let you hang out with your friends on the weekend because you didn't get the grade she wanted in a certain class. Hanging out with your friends on the weekend is your one break and happy thing outside of school and relives stress. Your mom is upset because in her eyes you have done something wrong, and you are stressed because you have done all you can and just need a break. What should you do?

Sit down and talk to your mom. Explain how important these things are and you have been trying, just the stress has been piling up.


If your friend is sitting by themselves during a party which emotion do you think they could be feeling.

  • Sad/Angry 

  • Happy

  • Excited

  • Nervous

  • Sad/Angry


What is one technique to help recognize and understand you emotions?

Emotional awareness


What is one way to deal with your emotions before focusing on another persons issues in a situation?

Ask for space to think and process, then communicate.


A friend asks you to a party. You learn that all the people in your friend group were invited — except for Paula. How do you think Paula will feel if she finds out?

  • Angry/Excluded

  • Confused/Nervous

  • Indifferent

  • Happy/Excited

  • Angry/Excluded


You are struggling with school, and are dealing with a lot of stress. What should you do to try to deal with the stress?

Do something you enjoy, and take a break from what is causing you stress. Take some time for yourself.


A friend of yours is upset with you because you wanted to eat lunch with someone else. You have eaten lunch with said friend every day this year, and miss the other people you used to hang out with. You are not upset, but you friend is and is now blaming you for their issues, causing you to be hurt. What should your next step be?

Recognize their emotions: they are upset with you, possibly jealous. Talk to them, communication is important


 If you see your mutual friend walking down the hall at school and he is purposefully ignoring you and avoiding eye contact with you, what can you assume happened?

  • They are excited for football practice

  • They are upset at you for not being able to hang out a few nights ago

  • They are sad because they heard that you have been bullying them

  • They are confused on their math assignment from yesterday

They are sad because they heard that you have been bullying them


What are three things you should focus on related to your physical health that will help you emotional health?

Getting enough sleep (8-10 hours), avoiding large amounts of caffine, and avoided illegal substances.


In homeroom at 8 a.m., your friend is smiling, friendly, and full of energy. Later that afternoon, he looks upset, almost like he might cry. Which explanation is your best guess for what might have happened between these two times?

  • He had a fight with his girlfriend at lunch, and now they're not talking.

  • He passed the 4th period algebra exam.

  • The chemistry teacher assigned a lot of homework.

  • He probably just had a bad day.

  • He had a fight with his girlfriend at lunch, and now they're not talking


You have tried multiple methods to help the emotion you are feeling and you still are struggling. You have been trying alone for some time. What should be your next step?

Talk to someone you trust or care about (a friend, family member or someone else).


f your friend Paula asks: "Are you going to Regan's party too?" and you know that she wasn’t invited. What would be a good response being sensitive to her feelings:

  • Yes, I'm going — are you?

  • Yes, everyone's going!

  • Of course I'm going! It's going to be the best party of the whole year!"

  • Yes. I'm sorry you weren't invited. I don't think Regan meant to hurt your feelings, I heard her parents only allowed her to ask a few people.

  • Yes. I'm sorry you weren't invited. I don't think Regan meant to hurt your feelings, I heard her parents only allowed her to ask a few people.
