What is motion?
Story about force 1>5
How is force and mass related
Double points

A super hero flying in the sky has a _______________ of what's below them.

Frame of reference


I am pushing my very good friend off of a cliff. A _______ is acting on my friends face as I push him off of the 1000m tall cliff. 



What makes a ball fall towards the ground

Force of gravity


In which ways can an object move based on relative motion?

straight line, curved path, back and forth, fixed in place


I want to play bowling but I can only play outside, I have the choice of 3 surfaces, a grass field, a paved road, or a dirt field. Which one will allow the ball to travel the furthest and shortest distance?

Furthest paved road, shortest grass field


A fish watched a sailor walk the plank, and jump overboard. The pirate and the fish have a different ______________ of the sailor

frame of reference


As my friend is fall off the cliff he is met by air resistance, and his wingsuit opens and begins to glide, what force is pulling him towards the ground?



A have 2 steel balls one is small, one is big. How does gravity affect each object? Which objects will have more newtons?

gravity affects all objects the same, the larger steel ball will have more newtons.


When we stretch a rubber band when does it have the highest potential energy?

when it is stretched the furthest


N is ________ and it is the unit of ________

m is ________ ; g is ________ and it is ________ N

Newtons, Force, mass, gravity 9.8 Newtons


I'm running full speed and throw a ball straight up into the air, it comes straight back down into my hand while I'm running. This is an example of ______________.

relative motion


Suddenly a big bird punches my friend in the face, steals his wing suit then lifts him higher into the air. As he goes higher and higher his __________________ increases

potential energy


While the small and large steel balls fall they have the same acceleration. Their acceleration is increasing as they get closer to the ground. Compare the newtons of the small and large steel balls as the hit the ground.

The small steel ball has less mass so it will have less newtons


I am traveling in a car at 150 kph, I stay the same speed around a turn. What is it happening?

the car is accelerating 

Change in direction is also acceleration


A roller coaster has a lot of loops what type of paths does it take?

curved path


10 horses are needed to move one large boulder. The act of moving the object is....



My friend plummets(falls) to the ground he, if we press pause during his fall, we can see how fast and which direction he is falling this is his ____________. As he falls he continues to _____________ until he reaches the ground. Just before hitting the ground he has the highest amount of ____________ energy.

Velocity, acceleration, kinetic 


I use a dynamometer to measure the force of an object, it has a mass of 1 Kg how many newtons does it have?

9.81 newtons


A gorilla and bear are having a contest, who can move a bigger boulder in 1 minute. The bear larger and has more body mass, and the gorilla uses it's muscles to generate more force. Who will win, why?

The Gorilla wins, because it can use more push force than the bear, so it will be pushed further. 

2 planets are in the solar system, plant Marth and Ears. Planet Marth is much larger than planet Ears.  How will these planets move closer together, and what happens when the distance between them is smaller?

The larger planet has more mass it will have a stronger gravitational pull, as they get closer together the force of gravity increases. 


I kite is flying in the air, gusts of wind are always changing the speed and direction the of the kite. So the kite is always __________.



Finally my friend is about to hit the ground, he falls on the slope of a mountain where people are skiing and snowboarding. He lands on his face and slides down the mountain at high speeds creating a vortex of wind around him. He continues slide until he hits a large tree that finally stops him, he wakes up from his nightmare completely unharmed. What forces are acting on him as he slides down the mountain and finally hits the tree. 

Friction, gravity, pushing force of the tree, air resistance.


Superman and Batman are fighting, superman uses his super strength to punch Batman but Batman uses alien technology stop the punch, Superman is thrown backwards. What forces are being used and which is stronger?

Then Batman uses ray beam to pull superman towards him. What type of force is it?

They both have push forces, Batman's alien tech has more push force. 

Non-contact force. 


Magneto and Wolverine are fight (Magento controls magnetism) (Wolverine has metal instead of bones). Wolverine surprises Magneto and slashes him with his claws, then Magneto pushes him away with his powers. What contact and noncontact are being used here?

The slash was a push contact force, and the magnetism was a noncontact force. 


What are three examples of stored energy?

Plants absorbing sunlight, water in a dam, fossil fuels