A Must Read (nope, not a bestseller)
Man of the PeopleSafe
Grimaldi's (Pizza)
Irish Car Bombs

We dare you to come out with 10 perfect words. Which ones, you may ask? The phrase known as outbound call disclaimer, of course. The exact wording is this, and it'll make you feel 10 feet tall to get it right. 

What is, "This call may be monitored or recorded for quality purposes"?


Need a big BIN, or a juicy group number to make your day complete? Well, try clicking on this function, the one nine out of ten BV people recommend, even in place of your daily Metamucil.

What is Eligibility?


Back in February, Cindy sent some "DID YOU KNOW?" emails to enlighten us about the significance of the month and saluting the ethnic group that went with it.

What is Black History Month?


What? McDonald's actually had a green-colored milkshake, and it was named after this, the symbol of Ireland and St. Patrick's Day? What's next? Corned Beef and Cabbage Fries? 

What is a shamrock?


When you get the doctor's office on the horn, be sure and have them blow this bit of information about their open and closed status.

What is office hours?


This function, located at the top of the PeopleSafe screen, is the key to NOT calling our PA line if all you need is to check a PA's status. It's easy to remember if you like your eggs over easy.

What is Plan Benefit Override?


This bag of cinematic snack is given out twice a month at the office after Cindy announces it in an email. I guess we work at home types can crunch and munch on the microwave version since we're not on site.

What is popcorn?


If you're not wearing green, someone is liable to inflict this two-fingered discomfort on you. With harassment laws these being what they are these days, you might be able to sue them.

What is a pinch?


The joy of doing an NPE comes to a head when we must tell the member about this item, and the high-sounding words we read to them include, "It contains important information including on-call pharmacist availability, emergency preparedness, your Rights and Responsibilities as a patient..." 

What is a Welcome Packet?


Looking up a deductible? Or are you scratchin' around for some out of pocket numbers that a member is itchin' for? Click on this; it's even better than calamine lotion. 

What is Account Balance?


This cart is stationed at Cindy's desk with its various foodstuffs that probably aren't macrobiotics nor carrots or celery -- but she will tell us they are for in-between meal cravings.

What is the snack cart?


Saint Patrick was brought to Ireland as a slave, then became a priest and after that a bishop. Guess what? It's believed that he brought this type of religion to Ireland.

What is Christianity?


When one of our pharmacy's back ends has their hands full and cannot take even one more order, we use this word to describe its status. We would never use that same word to the patient, though.

What is (at) "capacity?"


The med's copay is right in-yo'-face on this screen and a breakdown is there too. To get to it, you need to click on this sub-function button.

What is View Financials?


C'mon, recognize somebody on your team, will ya'? Cindy sends emails about how you can go into HeartBeat and salute someone using this tool and lavish them with words of praise.

What is Heart at Work?


As we saw in the 1993 movie "The Fugitive," the river of this U.S. city is dyed green to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, not the color of Harrison Ford's boatload of money. 

What is Chicago?


We always make sure the member is aware of this part of the delivery when it takes place at their home. If it's at the doctor's office, we don't need to mention it.

What is signature required (or not)?


When running a test claim, you can't be checkmark-happy with every box that can be checked. For instance, you don't put one here, which is next to "Point of Sale." 

What is Mail Order?


We're all trying to "promote a positive work environment," right? So, Cindy has sent emails about how we should join this, which includes WFH, onsite agents and leadership and your tour of duty will last from April through September.


