What type of Tools does Vernons company make?
What is the platform to take the train to Hogwarts?
9 3/4
What is Hagrids first name?
What type of animal is Harrys pet?
What does the spell Wingardium Levisoa do?
makes things levitate
Who does Vernon yel at to say that he is to not be disturbed?
His secretary
Ollivanders have been the makers of fine wands since when?
382 BC
Who teaches Flying?
Madam Hooch
What kind of animal is scabbers?
a rat
What was the spell Fred and George tell Ron supposed to do?
Turn his rat yellow
Besides Harry who goes to the zoo with the Dursley’s?
Piers Polkin
Where does Harry Sleep when he turns 11
softest patch of dirt. Hut on the rock
Minerva Mcgonogall teaches what subject?
What is Trevor?
a toad
What color does the smoke in a rememberall turn when you forget something
Who reports the weather the night Harry goes to live with the Dursleys
Jim McGuffin
Where is the entrance to the trials for the Philosophers Stone?
3rd floor corridor
Who is the bar tender at the leaky cauldron?
In the movie what animal is held by Quirrell when Harry Meets Oliver
What spell is used to fix Harrys Glasses
Who reports the weather?
Jim McGuffin
Where is the Gryffindor Common Room?
Gryffindor Tower
Who makes shooting stars down in Kent?
Dedalus Diggle
What animal produces the core for Rons wand?
What does the Mirror of Erised say on it’s frame?
I show not your face but your hearts desire