What does WWW stand for?
World Wide Web
What sport is played with two rackets?
Name 5 superhero movie characters
Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Captain America, Thor
A geometric figure with 5 sides
What has hands but does not clap?
A clock
What is the population of the world?
7.9 billion
This characters catchphrase is "What's up Doc?"
Bugs Bunny
Who is Shrek's wife?
How many months have 28 days?
All of them
What is the tallest building in the world?
The Burj Khalifa
Name 3 table sports
Air Hockey, Fooseball, Table tennis
Who is Luke's Father? (Star wars)
Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker)
Odin's Son, King of Thunder
What goes up but never comes back down?
Your age
What is most populated country in the world?
Name 4 NBA Teams
Boston Celtics, Chicago Bulls, Toronto Raptors, Cleveland Cavaliers, Brooklyn Nets
Name 5 Animes
DemonSlayer, Naruto, HunterxHunter, One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, Attack on Titan
What has to be broken before you use it?
An egg
What's the fastest land animal in the world?
What is the national sport of Canada?
Name 5 female superhero movie characters
Wonder Woman, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Gamora, Cat Woman
Who is known as the King of Pop
Michael Jackson
What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
A palm tree