WBL Program
Career Research/Job Interview
School Enterprise
Guest Speakers
Career Connect

The goal of every work-based learning program

To prepare students for the next generation of the American workforce.


Students will have developed career awareness.

 through research that identifies training and skill
requirements for a chosen career or field of interest


What is a student lead enterprise/Business?

to provide goods and services to the community

What purpose does a guest speaker serve?

Provide information about thier career, mentorships, job site tours.


Career Connect Washington was established in?

2019 when Govenor Inslee signed Work Force Education Investment Act 


Why are WBL programs federally supported in CTE courses?

to connect workplaces to the classroom to prepare
students for real-world careers


Why is it helpful to conduct job interviews with professionals?

To build practical skills by preparing for the job interview.


Who runs the school enterprise/business?

The students do all the planning and guide the business plan.


What can a job site tour provide?

increase understanding for success in that specific career path.


Career Connect Washington is a 3 step contiuum what are the names of the 3 steps?

Step 1 Career Launch

Step 2 Career Prep

Step 3 Career Explore


WBL bridges what gap?

the gap between education and the working world
by preparing students for future careers.


Observing different career professionals in the work force 

Is one of the activities you can do to complete this category


Where must the business/ enterpise run?

At school in a CTE course


Students will have 

participated in targeted career exploration specific to the guest speaker 


What does career launch consist of?

 Work-based programs with aligned classroom learning that culminate in a
postsecondary credential, producing a competitive candidate for meaningful employment
(includes registered apprenticeship programs)


WBL is beneficial to all students and 

 It can be especially useful for students from low-income backgrounds and students who may not have access to career exposure, educational opportunities, professional networks, and social capital that often play a critical role in career success.


what are some virtual and non virutual career exsposure opportunities?

zoom with a professional, have the professional visit the classroom, or go on a tour, schedule a job shadow experience with one on one time.

What is the role of the CTE instuctor?

to provide school campus utilizing facilities, equipment, and other resources provided by
the school or CTE department while the instructor can provide guidance.


Bringing someone into your classroom that shares information about thier career  is called 

a guest speaker 


What does career prep consist of?

Career–specific instruction at a worksite or in a classroom for academic credit.


Work-Based Learning (WBL) is an instructional strategy.

that provides students with career
exploration opportunities and hands-on learning where knowledge gained in CTE courses can be
applied to real-life work experiences


Why is the Career Research Worksheet is vital part of collecting more data for the teacher? 

The career research worksheet provides information to the teacher to which careers the students are interested in and then the teacher can plan on ways to include that specific career in the classroom in some capacity.


How can the students working in a school-based enterprise to earn WSL credit?

The student must have a Worksite Learning Plan and Worksite Learning Agreement  are the components to earn WSL credit.

How to choose a guest speaker 

The teacher needs to know what career clusters and areas that they want to know more about and find someone in the community that is willing to share and participate in the guest speaker showcase.


What is career explore?

Early exposure opportunities to careers and career options (e.g., career fairs, worksite tours)
