This cinematic universe has 20 films and 10 spin-off TV shows and are still ongoing, what cinematic universe is this
Marvel Cinematic Universe
This episode name is common
What was the original place holder name of Minecraft before it was named Minecraft?
This cinematic universe has 4 films each making under $600 million, what cinematic universe is it?
"Sesame Street"
Which game has a total of 89 unique characters?
"Super Smash Bros Ultimate"
This type of film genre is considered the worst due to terrible adaptations, what genre is this?
Video Game Genre
This game has over 80 crossovers, what game is it?
Fortnite Battle Royale
This game has over 30 spin-offs, what game is it?
Final Fantasy
This theme was popular back in 2018 it was so popular it became apart of many memes, what game was this theme from.