Helping others selflessly with no expectation of a reward
Pure altruism
An impulsive, emotion based reaction to a threat
Hostile-reactive aggression
Oversimplified beliefs that all members of a group have the same characteristics
Prejudice may be reduced by increasing contact
Contact Hypothesis
The idea that genetic influence alone determines behavioral outcomes.
What is Genetic determinism
Helping behaviors done with an expectation of personal benefit
Egotistic altruism
A thoughtful decision to harm others to gain resources such as territory, money, self-esteem, or social status
Instrumental-proactive aggression
Emotion-centered evaluations and judgments, based on someone’s perceived membership in a group
Prejudice results from competition over scarce resources
Realistic conflict theory
Proposes that thoughts, feelings, and behaviors collectively contribute to the escalation of aggression in three stages.
What are the Stages of provocation model
Helping others to decrease negative emotions
Negative state relief model
Microaggressions that demean someone's heritage
Refers to our actions of unjust treatment(the behavioral component)
Perception that members of certain groups have positive qualities that should be praised and valued
Benevolent Prejudice
The likelihood of being helped in an emergency is negatively correlated with the number of people who witness it, due to diffusion of responsibility.
What is the Bystander effect
Altruistic behavior that occurs because we expect to be "paid back" in the future
Reciprocal altruism
Microaggressions meant to psychologically harm or insult someone
Thus, use of quick labels like stereotypes
Adaptive Categorization
Maintaining stereotypes and judgments about people from a certain group as either very positive or very negative
Ambivalent Prejudice
The tendency for the presence of weapons to prime aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
What is Weapons effect
Social responsibility norm
Microaggressions that invalidate a target's feelings on an individual or group level
We observe the roles people already have in society, assume people are suited to those roles, and reinforce traits for those roles
Social Role Theory
Two categories of judgment: warmth and competence. Used against other groups.
Stereotype Content Model
The idea that feelings of compassion create a purely selfless motivation to help.
What is the Empathy-altruism hypothesis