1 to make someone agree to do something by talking to them a lot about it
2 a large fire outside, often used for burning waste
3 Very unusual, special, or remarkable.
4 the situation in which a part of the body has not developed in the normal way or with the normal shape
1 persuade
2 bonfire
3 extraordinary
4 facial deformity
1 борода,примерочная, неуважительный,краска для волос, незаконный, неприличный,равнодушный,непрактичный,помада, производить, усы, лак для ногтей.
2 Он с трудом поверил в новость, когда услышал ее.
3 Город относительно небольшой, но имеет богатую историю.
4 Этот документальный фильм заставляет задуматься многих зрителей.
1 beard, changing room, disrespectful, hair dye, illegal, indecent, insensitive, impractical, lipstick,manufacture, moustache, nail varnish .
2 He could hardly believe the news when he heard it.
3 The town is relatively small but has a rich history.
4 This documentary is being thought-provoking for many viewers.
1 The money you pay to live in a house or apartment.
2 A person who owns a house or apartment and rents it to other people.
3 this word refers to a row of closely planted shrubs or low trees that form a boundary or fence. It is often used for privacy, decoration, or as a windbreak.
1 rent
2 landlord
3 hedge
1 Через несколько недель я привыкну к новому расписанию и буду чувствовать себя более комфортно.
2 Всегда тщательно редактируйте свою работу перед отправкой.
3 Раньше они ездили за границу каждое лето, но теперь предпочитают местные каникулы.
1 After a few weeks, I will get used to the new routine and feel more comfortable.
2 Always edit your work carefully before submitting it.
3 They used to travel abroad every summer, but now they prefer local vacations.
1 an opening in the top of the mouth caused when a baby does not develop normally before it is born
2 to suddenly become unconscious for a short time, usually falling down
3 быть расстроенным
4 to touch someone or something gently and usually repeatedly with the hand flat
1 cleft palate
2 to faint
3 be bummed
4 pat
1 Проверка телефона стала автоматической привычкой, от которой мне сложно избавиться.
2 When I went into the room, I saw that the table and chairs were not in the same place.
(the furniture / move) The ____________________.
3 После переезда в город мне понадобилось несколько месяцев, чтобы привыкнуть к постоянному шуму.
4 serviced / her car / Sarah / once a year / has
5 Она привыкла справляться со стрессовыми ситуациями, что делает её отличным лидером.
1 Checking my phone has become an automatic habit I struggle to break.
2 the furniture had been moved
3 After moving to the city, it took me several months to get used to the constant noise.
4 Sarah has her cat serviced once a year
5 She is used to handling stressful situations, which makes her an excellent leader.
1 Это миф, что все пожилые люди испытывают трудности с быстро меняющейся информационной технологией.
2 a field with grass and often wild flowers in it
3 information on many different subjects that you collect gradually, from reading, television, etc., rather than detailed information on subjects that you have studied formally
4 У моих бабушки и дедушки был договорной брак.
5 Sam gets a higher salary now. (he / promote)
1 It is a myth that all older people struggle with the fast-paced evolution of information technology.
2 meadow
3 general knowledge
4 My grandparents had an arranged marriage.
5 has been promoted
1 Еда в том ресторане была отвратительной.
2 К следующему году они сделают обязательствa по проекту.
3 Они недавно поссорились из-за денег.
1 The food at that restaurant was revolting.
2 By next year, they will have made a commitment to the project.
3 They have had an argument about money recently.
1 If I (to remove) distractions, I (to be able) to get important work done more effectively.
2 Хотя изначально ему было трудно, он постепенно привык к требованиям своей новой роли.
3 Он был буквально измотан после целого дня работы без перерыва.
1 If I remove distractions, I will be able to get important work done more effectively.
2 Although he initially struggled, he gradually got used to the demands of his new role.
3 He was literally exhausted after working all day without a break.
1 How much of the earth’s surface (cover) by water?
2 Old-fashioned but appealing, with a certain picturesque quality.
3 Characteristic of residential areas outside of the city center, often with more space and greenery.
1 is covered
2 quiant
3 suburban
1 Primarily consisting of homes and living spaces, with a focus on domestic life.
2 Если в районе хорошие удобства, он привлекает больше людей.
3 a very large city, often the capital of a country or region
1 Residential
2 If a neighborhood has good amenities, it attracts more people.
3 metropolis
1 разрастание, плотность, перспективный, вынести решение против, жутко, этническая чистка, безобидный, чучело, обновление городов
2 to throw something with a lot of force, usually in an angry or violent way
3 a feeling or idea that is suggested by a word in addition to its basic meaning, or something suggested by an object or situation
1 sprawl, density, up-and-coming, decide against, eerily, ethnical clensing, innocuous, effigy, urban renewal.
2 to hurl
3 connotation
1 a situation in which people try to change a government, often using violence, or in which they refuse to accept someone's authority
2 a way of referring to the UK or England, used especially by soldiers during the First World War
3 A large sign with words or pictures on it.
4 2 It is an idiomatic expression that refers to a very short amount of time, often implying something happens almost instantaneously or without notice. It suggests that events can change or occur quickly, similar to how quickly one can blink.
1 revolt
2 Blighty
3 banner
4 wink of an eye
1 It is a type of marriage in which the partners are selected by their families or a third party, rather than by the individuals themselves. This practice is common in many cultures and often involves considerations of social status, family background, religion, and cultural values.
2 a place of outside entertainment where there are machines for riding on and games that can be played for prizes
3 Using things in a way that does not hurt the Earth.
4 the words of a song, especially a pop song
1 arranged marriage
2 funfair (amusement park)
3 sustainable
4 lyrics
1 Если бы я знал о встрече, я бы пришёл.
2 Она спросила его, может ли он помочь ей с проектом.
3 Я бы хотел, чтобы у меня было больше времени путешествовать.
4 Я бы хотел знать, как играть на гитаре.
1 If I had known about the meeting, I would have attended.
2 She asked him whether he could help her with the project.
3 I wish I had more time to travel.
4 I wish I knew how to play the guitar.
1 Желчный пузырь хранит желчь, производимую печенью, для помощи в пищеварении.
2 листовка, мечеть, возвратный, отправляться, чемодан, купальник, морское путешествие ,ассоциироваться, качество, смущенный, догадываться, попрошайка, взлетать, раздражать
3 Она протянула мне салфетку, как раз перед тем, как я чихнул.
4 Жидкое удобрение изготовлено на основе свежего навоза с использованием воды.
1 The gallbladder stores bile produced by the liver to aid digestion.
2 leaflet, mosque, return, set off, suitcase, swimsuit, voyage, assosiate, attribute, embarrassed , guess, beggar, take off, annoy
3 She handed me a tissue just before I sneezed.
4 Liquid fertilizer is made on the basis of fresh manure using water.
1 Почти всегда красные мелкие высыпания вокруг рта становятся причиной аллергии.
2 Гипофиз выделяет (высвобождает) гормоны, регулирующие рост и обмен веществ.
3 Символы передают сообщения без устных или письменных слов.
4 Завод работает над сокращением вредных выбросов в воздух.
1 Almost always small red rash around mouth cause allergy.
2 The pituitary gland releases hormones that regulate growth and metabolism.
3 Symbols convey messages without spoken or written words.
4 The factory is working to reduce its harmful emissions into the air.
1 To make someone slightly angry or irritated.
2 a piece of thread sewn in cloth, or the single movement of a needle and thread into and out of the cloth
3 A portable light source, usually powered by batteries, or a stick with a flame at one end.
4 A person or company that arranges travel and provides advice about trips.
1 Annoy
2 a stitch
3 a torch
4 travel agent
1 To cause someone to feel awkward, self-conscious, or ashamed.
2 Артерии забиваются холестерином и жирами, если человек ест нездоровую пищу.
3 in a competition, the person or team considered to be the weakest and the least likely to win
4 to change the sounds and speech on a film or television programme, especially to a different language
1 Embarrass
2 The arteries are clogged by cholesterol and fat if a person eats unhealthy foods.
3 underdog
4 dub
1 the actors in a film, play, or show
2 a person in a film who does not have a speaking part and who is usually part of the scene, for example, in a crowd
3 В докладе не приводится никаких доказательств в подтверждение этого мнения.
4 Замок использовался в качестве съемочной площадки для нескольких фильмов
1 cast
2 extra
3 No evidence has been provided in the report to support this belief
4 The castle was used as a setting for several films