We do Recover
Name that Need
Strength Exploration
Rejection Science
Different Diagnoses

T/F Repeated substance use can cause physical and chemical changes to the brain.

True. Given time some or all of these changes are reversable.


This need can be filled by financial security, health / wellness, protection against danger and injury

Security and safety needs; finding a job, obtaining health insurance and health care, contributing money to a savings account, and moving to a safer neighborhood are all examples of actions motivated by security and safety needs


Strengths can be noticed by considering activities you have excelled at in the past? T/F

True, past successes can show hidden strengths we didn’t know we had.


The same parts of the brain are activated when rejected and when in pain.



Someone with this diagnosis feels very sad, has difficulty thinking clearly, and may lack pleasure and motivation



This phenomenon is the result of the brain trying to achieve balance when being frequently flooded by rewarding chemicals?

Tolerance. This can be a result of receptors on neurons decreasing in sensitivity or number to stimuli or a decrease in naturally occurring neurotransmitters.


Love acceptance and belonging make up Maslow’s Social Needs. Name 3 ways to satisfy this need.

Friendships, Romance, Family, Social groups, Community groups, Churches/organizations.


Name this Strength: a mental attitude characterized by hope and confidence in success and a positive future

Optimism, Optimistic attitudes are linked to several benefits, including better coping skills, lower stress levels, better physical health, and higher persistence when pursuing goals. – Verywellmind, 2022


You won’t feel bad if you dislike the people who reject you.

False, using fMRI studies scientists found people experienced the reaction to rejection when being rejected by a hate group. 2006 Gonsalkorale (UC davis), (Williams purdue), [https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.392]


This diagnosis comes with feelings of deep fear, tension, worry and nervousness



These are things that may cause feelings, thoughts or cravings to use.

Triggers, Examples are Stress, emotional distress, environmental cues, People, Relationships, Money


Feeling good at things, competent, and gaining the respect of others are aspects of this need

Esteem Needs; Professional activities, academic accomplishments, athletic or team participation and hobbies can all play a role in fulfilling esteem needs.


Someone/something that makes you want to do or achieve something is known as:

An inspiration. Can be fictional, historical, or personal. Often people don’t even know they are being inspirational.


The effects of rejection only change our emotions.

False. While rejection can lead to aggression, poor impulse control, anger, anxiety, and depression there’s also evidence that people who routinely feel excluded have poorer sleep quality, and their immune systems don’t function as well as those of people with strong social connections.


This diagnosis includes experiencing moods that alternate between depression and elation or mania

Bipolar Disorder


Around 80% of addicts face this at some point in their sobriety journey?

Relapse or setback, frequently preceded by warning signs like:

Thinking less rationally, engaging in self-defeating behaviors, Seeking out drug-related situation


At the peak of Maslow’s pyramid, this need is filled by personal growth and talent usage and development.

Self-Actualization; Self-actualizing people are self-aware, concerned with personal growth and fulfillment, less concerned with the opinions of others, and interested in fulfilling their potential.


This is defined by feeling of self-acceptance and self-respect

Self Esteem. Having a high self-esteem, different from narcissism, predicts better social relationships.


Being rejected by a job, friend, or relationship partner is a reflection of your overall worth.



This disorder makes it very difficult for the individual to know the difference between what is real and what is not real. It may include hallucinations and delusions.



This sobriety-related, emotionally drained feeling, can be helped by attending and reaching out to support groups

Sobriety exhaustion, the overall exhaustion that may occur as a result of the emotional and physical stress of staying sober.

Recovery is hard work, it can take a lot out of you. Remember, “easy does it”. This is one of the most important things to remember. It’s a simple idea, but not always easy to implement. Be kind to yourself. Show yourself the patience and forgiveness you would a loved one. 


Self Actualization, the process of growing and developing as a person in order to achieve potential, can be worked toward by? Name 3 ways

Practicing: acceptance, spontaneity/novelty, gratitude, kindness & compassion, humor, creativity

Self-actualization doesn’t involve perfection or things always going smoothly. You can become self-actualized and still face difficulties. A huge part of self-actualization is recognizing your limits in addition to focusing on your unique strengths; creative people/Musicians who are bad singers can practice or play guitar.


This is defined by superiority, grandiosity, entitlement and self-centeredness

Narcissism, a predictor for poor social relationships.


List 3 ways to healthily cope with rejection

List successes, engage in self care, Let go of self blame, Try to learn and grow from the experience.


This obsessive-compulsive related diagnosis includes when a person sees their body in an unrealistic way and can be preoccupied with perceived flaws

Body Dysmorphic Disorder
