Financial Literacy
Positive Connections

Adding or putting money into an account.

What is: Deposit


Responsible people make good _________.

What is: CHOICES (decisions)


When someone asks you a question, it is ok to ignore them.

What is: False 


What is a coping skill?

What is: A coping skill is a way to deal with a hard feeling or situation.


Why is positive thinking important?

What is: A positive mind creates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action.


A plan for how to save and spend money 

What is:Budget 


Responsibility at home means: 

A) Doing your chores like making your bed, setting the table and putting your laundry in the hamper when you are asked to. 

B) Doing your chores on time without being asked because it is a way to contribute to your household.

What is B) Doing your chores on time without being asked because it is a way to contribute to your household.


Your friend supports your interests and passions by attending events that you are involved in (ex: musical concerts, sporting events, or community service events). What kind of relationship is this?

What is: Healthy Relationship 



No feeling is wrong or bad. 

What is: True! 

Thoughts and feelings are the way our brain makes sense of what is going on around us. They are not always correct or comfortable, but we can make positive choices even with negative thoughts or feelings.


Turn this negative statement into a positive statement:

"This is too hard".

What is:"This may take some time and effort" or "This is challenging but not impossible" etc. 


What is a checking account?

What is: Money kept for every day expenses


What does it mean to be responsible? 

A) Doing things you say you are going to do. 

B) Getting to things when you can as long as they get done.

What is A) Doing things you say you are going to do.


Your friend makes you feel like every problem in your friendship is always your fault. What type of relationship is this?

What is: Unhealthy Relationship


Name a coping skill that you can practice to help you think more positive.

What is: Coloring, going for a walk, listening to music...etc.


Repeat the positive affirmation out loud:

"I have the power to create change."

What does this mean to you?


Money that is set aside to pay for small or large expenses that are expected to come up in future

What is: SAVINGS


Responsibility is: 

A) Following through on your commitments, even if you are late and have let someone down.

B) Following through with your commitments on time, even if you do not feel like it.

What is B) Following though with your commitments on time, even if you do not feel like it.


Where can you go at Four Mounds, to work on communication skills?

What is: Kaniyiah's office


Imagine you are having a tough day. What coping skill would help you feel better?

What is:Physical activities, talking to someone, artistic activities, etc.


What can you say to yourself if you are having a bad day and want to get back on track?

What is: Today has been rough, but I am strong and can turn this day around!


Why is it important to be careful when using credit cards? Explain your answer.

What is: If mismanaged, credit cards can lead to debt, interest charges and damage to your credit etc. 


Examples of responsibility in life

What is: 

Taking good care of your health and safety, fixing your mistakes, apologizing when you’re wrong, helping people in need, doing the right thing when nobody is looking etc. 


You should always think before you speak.

What is: True


Name 2 things you can do to PREVENT stress and anger from building up.

What is: 

Self-care = 

Health- taking care of our bodies with exercise, eating healthy, drinking water, getting enough sleep

Fun- Having time to play and laugh!

Social- having people to talk to and support us

Expression- finding ways to be creative with art, building, cooking, or using our imaginations


Repeat the positive affirmation out loud:

"I find joy and pleasure in the most simple things in life". 

What does this mean to you?
