Short texts
Short audioclips
Small talk
Figure of Speech
What does the song say?

Hi Joe,

I’ve just got the e-tickets, so thanks for that. As you know, I’ve booked a room at the airport hotel because the flight leaves so early, so let me know if you want me to book you one, too. 

Why is Tom writing to Joe?

A to tell him about a plan
to offer to do something for him
C to thank him for some information

to offer to do something for him


What is the purpose of this message?

A To tell callers that nobody is available.

B To tell callers that they are not wanted

C To tell callers that they have dialed the wrong number

A To tell callers that nobody is available.


• Can I have some more pancakes, please? 

° Sorry, there’s a queue. You’ll have to wait until it’s your _____.



It is raining cats and dogs

It is heavy rain


Where does the singer want to go?

He wants to go home


Our popular tooth-whitening special offer is still open, so sign up and save when we see you at your next appointment. It is much better than brushing alone, and it’s a quick and painless way to get the smile you’ve always wanted every day 

What is the purpose of this advertisement from a dentist? 

to persuade patients to come and visit the dentist
to inform patients of a discount that they can have 
C to encourage patients to clean their teeth more often

to inform patients of a discount that they can have 


What is the purpose of this notice?

A To tell employees to shorten their breaks

B To advertise a new cafe.

C To question the purpose of implementing policies.

To inform employees of a new rule.

To inform employees of a new rule.


• Do you think I should buy this book?

° No, I think the other one is much _______ interesting  



Piece of cake



What kind of person is the singer?

A criminal / rebel


Dear Guests,
We regret that Friday’s trip to the ancient city of Petra is cancelled. Unfortunately, the floods mean that the road is closed. We will let you know if there is any change to the situation.

What is the purpose of this notice in a hotel? 
A to explain the reasons for a decision
B to apologize for changing a plan late
C to inform guests that a trip has been postponed  

A to explain the reasons for a decision


Why would a person take a bus tour

A It is free and easy

B You can see the sights easily

C The buses are very quick

B You can see the sights easily


• Did you get any help at all?
° No, I did it all by ______.



Under the weather

Feeling down


What are the crewmates going to do with the drunken sailer? 

Name at least three things they are going to do.

Shave his belly with a rusty razor

Put him in a long boat till his sober

Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom

Put him in the bed with the captain's daughter


What a refreshing change to see an artist who doesn’t feel the need to impress audiences with unusual dances or costumes, and instead comes across as modest and serious. She is rarely given sufficient credit by the critics for her unique voice. And she willingly discusses her lyrics! Most artists leave their fans to struggle to work out the meaning for themselves. 

What does the text say about the singer? 

A She behaves in a rather exaggerated way on stage.
She writes strange songs that are quite hard to understand. 
She has an unusual way of singing that deserves more praise. 

She has an unusual way of singing that deserves more praise.


What is the purpose of the Boy Scouts?

A To teach boys how to become better people

B To take young men camping

C To contribute money to society

A To teach boys how to become better people


• What are your hobbies? 

° Well, I’m very interested _____ classical music and motorbikes



Close call

A narrow escape from danger or disaster


Why does he need to go to church?

Because he is sick / homosexeual / not accepted in society / he feels he is wrong / that he has failed his lover / something similar


Large ski holiday companies often guarantee low prices. But our small and long-established business, Ice Palace Ski, knows that people are prepared to pay a little more for the personal touch. While other companies may offer an equally wide range of accommodation, they certainly won’t have such caring staff catering to your every need. Call us on 0117 496 0812. 

What does the advert say is unique about Ice Palace Ski Company? 
A the great variety of places clients can stay
B the high quality of service that is available
C the ability to offer particularly cheap holidays

B the high quality of service that is available


Question: You hear at the end, listen carefully

A Not enough exercise.

Too many treat

C Too much water

D Extra fresh vegetables

Too many treat


• What should we do, Ted is in so much trouble.

° Don’t feel sorry for Ted. He’s only got himself to ____.



Only once in a blue moon

Happens seldomly


What kind of situation is the rapper facing?

He is rapping on stage (and is losing).
He is in a rap-battle (and losing).
