Randos (hard edition)
New Business
Old Business
St. Patrick's Day

What is the last name of the business tycoon behind the "No. 5" perfume?



What is the Easter bunny's name? Double points for first and last name.

Peter Cottontail.


Now that it's warming up, what types of drinks can we have at the kiosk?

Water and Gatorade in their respective bottles or a thermos/water bottle. 


Can we have drinks in the lobby in customer view?

NOOOOO! Unless you are actively drinking from them, please store them in the cupboard, down by the printer, or in the count closet(office).


True or false: St. Patrick’s day was originally a dry holiday. 

True. St. Patrick’s day was once a religious holiday in Ireland. Between 1903 and 1970, Irish pubs were closed and any drinking on the holiday was prohibited by Irish law. 


Name three different animals that come in a normal box of animal crackers.

bear, bison, camel, cougar, elephant, giraffe, gorilla, hippopotamus, hyena, kangaroo, koala, lion, monkey, rhinoceros, seal, sheep, tiger, and zebra.


How many jellybeans do Americans consume each Easter?

A. 6 

B. 16 Million

C. 1.3 Billion

B. 16 Million


When should we be in our rotation positions? 

A. Only when Dennis is here. 

B. Never. 

C. Only when Annette and Kayla are here. 

D. Always. 

D. Always. Even when you think no one is watching, someone is watching! Be ready to help customers! 


Fill in the blanks while loading:

Car in neutral ______, no breaking, no steering! _____ ___!

Please, thank you. 

Both must be said for every vehicle!


When and where was the first recorded St. Patrick’s day parade in America? Double points for both 

March 17th, 1762 New York City


Pocahontas was baptized and given what English name?



True or False: before Easter baskets, children got hats filled with straw full of eggs 

True. German settlers that immigrated to the U.S. in the 1700s brought a new Easter tradition. The night before Easter, children would fill their bonnets with hay, and in the morning, they would be overflowing with brightly colored eggs.


When talking about the washes with customers, should you use the price of the wash or the name?

Use the name please!! Instead of saying "we have a 7,12,18 and 22 dollar wash" let's start using the names of them. Ceramic, Ace, Barnstormer, Pilot. 


Multiple Choice

Doing site litter and sweeping the stack is a(n):

A. Opening Procedure

B. Closing Procedure

C. Both

C. Both. Cigarette butts, rock beds and grass areas should be addressed twice per day. As well as during "down times."


What was the original color for Saint Patrick before it was green? 

Blue. It wasn't until 1798 (the year of the Irish Rebellion) that the color green became officially associated with St. Patrick's Day


What is the plastic piece at the end of the shoelace called?

An aglet. 


How do we decide when Easter is each year?

The holiday somewhat complicatedly falls directly after the first full moon of the spring equinox. This formula was created by the Council of Nicaea, who determined that almost every Easter between 1600 to 2900 will fall on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25.

LOL Hope you knew this


Who should help people inside? 

Vac lot attendant unless towel swap. Kiosk stays at kiosk!


When spraying out the tunnel at night, should we be picking out the debris out of the pit?

YES, dash wipes/air fresheners (especially under the conveyor and rail side) in the pit should be picked out nightly. 


What is Saint Patrick’s true name

Saint Patrick was born “Maewyn Succat” but changed his name to “Patricius” after becoming a priest.


Final Jeopardy 

Drink up! 
