Bullying or teasing?
What should you do?
True or False?

Your classmate calls you names and picks on you everyday.

Bullying-the person is doing it more than once and the behavior is hurtful and intentional 


You see a peer being teased at recess

Tell a staff member, ignore the behavior, stand up for yourself in a positive way.


Only boys are bullies

False-anyone can be a bully


How might someone who is being bullied feel?

Sad, mad, lonely, embarrassed, scared


A peer tells other peers that you smell bad and that nobody should play with you. They have been telling others this the past few days.

Bullying-this peer is spreading unkind rumors about you and has been doing it on multiple occasions. 


Your peer has recently started to pick on another peer in the class. At first, you thought it was funny, but lately, the teasing has gotten meaner and meaner. You can tell that the peer is becoming more and more upset, but the other kids in the class think it is funny.

Tell a staff member, talk to your friend and respectfully tell them how you are feeling and how their behavior is bullying.


Telling an adult when someone is being bullied means you are tattling 

False-telling an adult when someone is being bullied is a great way to help stop bullying. 


What are some different types of bullying?

Physical, verbal, cyber bullying 

Your roommate has been not respecting your personal space, has been being unkind, and throwing their toys at you, even though you have told them more than once to stop.

Bullying-The person continues to not respect the other person's wishes, even though they have expressed that they do not want them to do this and that they do not think it's funny. 


Someone is being mean to you and continues to bully you, even though you have told them politely to stop.

Tell a staff member, tell them to stop in a kind, but assertive way, ignore the behavior. 


Bullying is the same as joking with someone

False-joking around with someone means that BOTH people are joking with one another and there is no mean behavior to put someone down or hurt them 

What is something you can do to prevent bullying?

Letting a staff know, being "assertive" and telling the bully to stop, talking about bullying as a group and how we can work together to stop it 


You and another peer are "play fighting" at recess

Teasing-both of you are playing with one another and aren't trying to hurt someone's feelings. 


A group of your friends are talking negatively about another boy in your class. You think this boy is nice and consider him to be a friend.

Ask them to stop and let them know that this peer is your friend, or that they do not have to be friends with the peer, but it is not good to talk badly about the poor and/or bully them. 


Being "assertive" means that you are standing up for yourself, but in a respectful way.

True-being assertive is a great way to stand up to a bully. It allows you to tell someone how you are feeling, without arguing or name calling, etc.


What is one way NOT to handle a bully?

Bullying them back, becoming physically or verbally aggressive.


What is the difference between teasing and bullying? 

Teasing is when both people are joking and neither gets their feelings hurt, and bullying is when it goes on more than once, it’s impactful and hurts someone (physically or emotionally) 


One of your friends frequently spreads rumors about you, tells you that your clothes are ugly, and says she won't be your friend. You are confused by this behavior because you thought this girl was really your friend.

Tell your friend that her behavior is unkind, Ask your friend to stop Stop being friends with this girls


There are many types of bullying

True-some of the common types of bullying are physical, verbal, and cyber bullying. 


Name 1 example of either physical, verbal, or cyber bullying

Physical-hitting someone, hurting them, pushing, shoving, anything to cause harm to someone and putting your hands on them

Verbal-Name calling, making threats, using mean and unkind words

Cyber-Making fun of someone, harassing them, name calling, etc. online 
