food & clothing/
winners & losers
Criticism and claims/

Who are the winners

Consumers,Organic Farmers,Organic Food Companies,Environmental Conservation,Health and Wellness Advocates


  Have those that have made/demanded ethical consumption choices impacted the industry?

 ethical consumption choices have catalyzed positive changes within the organic industry and the broader food system, driving improvements in sustainability, transparency, and social responsibility.  


How has the supermarket industry adapted to the consumer?

supermarkets have adapted to the changing preferences and lifestyles of consumers by offering a wider variety of products, enhancing transparency and convenience, and prioritizing sustainability and health.


Who are the losers

Conventional Farmers, Big Agribusiness, Certain Pesticide and Chemical Manufacturers, Some Consumers and Transitioning Farmers:


 What are some of the positive impacts for the environment?

Some of the positive impacts include, promotes soil health by avoiding the use of synthetic pesticides, reduces carbon footprint by using lower energy consumption compared to conventional farms and water conservation.


Is there any merit to these claims against the organic industry?

Cost: It is true that organic products generally come with a higher price tag compared to conventionally produced counterparts.

Certification Standards: Variations in organic certification standards between regions and certification bodies do exist, leading to inconsistency and confusion for consumers. 

Environmental Impact: Organic farming generally reduces reliance on synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, benefiting soil health, water quality, and biodiversity.


Why do people purchase organic food and clothing?

People purchase food and clothing for the Health benefits such as: overall health,healthy fats, and pesticide reduction. Other reasons for purchasing organic foods are for farming practices and reduce environmental impact.


Is the organic industry increasing?

The organic industry is definitely rising because more people are becoming conscious of the impact of their choices on the environment  and their health. As a result the demand for organic products have been steadily increasing.


What are some criticisms of the organic industry?  

Cost: Organic products tend to be more expensive than their conventional counterparts due to higher production costs

Certification Standards: Critics argue that organic certification standards vary widely between regions and certification bodies, leading to inconsistency and confusion for consumers. 

Environmental Impact: While organic farming generally emphasizes sustainability and reduced chemical inputs, critics argue that it may not always result in lower environmental impacts compared to conventional agriculture.
