what snack can corn kernels make
what is popcorn
this animal has been found at a small pond in a golf course and has adapted to fresh water
What is a bull shark
This type of career designs tricky rooms with puzzles.
What is an escape room designer
What animal on earth has the biggest heart.
what is a blue whale
Are the blocks in mine craft based off of real life
What is true
Is it cheaper to buy peeps in the spring or the summer
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was there more whale encounters in 2023 or 2024
what is 2023
this type of photographer has to battle the waves while taking photos
what is a big wave photographer
How many gallons of blood are in a normal human body {it has a Decimal}
What is 1.5 gallons
what block is the portals made of.
what is obsidian
what is the most popular candy in the us
what is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
This ocean animal has bean wrecking boats
what is an orca
this career includes training a small rodent
What is a rat trainer
When was the first space craft launched
What is the 1950s
how many landscapes can you have in mine craft
what is 4
what is the most popular snack in the us
What is a rice crispy treat
This animal cane shape shift and turns into thousands.
What is an octopus
what object can help cure cancer
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what state in the us has monkeys climbing on cars.
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how many characters can you have
what is 260
peeps are made out of this percent of sugar
what is 81%
This slug lives in the ocean along the cost line of england.
What is a rainbow sea slug
This type of career creates inventions and new business
What is an entrepreneur
These two company's have high tech shoes specially made for woman in soccer
What is Nike and IDA
How many types of blocks are in mine craft
what is 140